A Child Must Be Born

Rev Gideon Lee

Isaiah 9:1-9
To Us a Child Is Born
1 Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress. In the past he humbled the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but in the future he will honor Galilee of the Gentiles, by the way of the sea, along the Jordan–
2 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.
3 You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest, as men rejoice when dividing the plunder.
4 For as in the day of Midian’s defeat, you have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor.
5 Every warrior’s boot used in battle and every garment rolled in blood will be destined for burning, will be fuel for the fire.
6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Do you know what is it you have just read? It is a prophecy by the prophet Isaiah more than 700 years before Jesus Christ. He spoke about the first Christmas that is about to come. In fact in the book of Isaiah there are two prophecy on Christmas. This is the first one.

In the period of darkness and distress, he says “unto us a child is born”. And if you look at the whole passage, the beginning is quite sad and distressing. But he reminds the people of Israel unto us a child is born.

As we celebrate Christmas we know that more than 2,000 years ago a child is born. That is the beginning part of Christmas.

I want to ask you a question before we go further. Who is this child to you? What does He mean to you? You see, when the world sees this child he is just a good man. Yes they believe that He is born of a virgin, they say He is just a good man or at most a prophet. Is Jesus just a good man to you, or just a prophet? To the Hindus He is just another god or to the Buddhist, He received enlightenment for being a good man.

But I hope He is not just a good man, a prophet or a good teacher to you.

When Isaiah penned this he gave four wonderful description of who Jesus is. I think it’s sad that today we don’t express ourselves when we write. Our words and conversation is so shortened. When we write an SMS or chat we use all short forms. But I am glad Isaiah didn’t use short form.

He says he will be called Wonderful Counselor. Not only a counselor but a Wonderful Counselor. Imagine Isaiah use short form and call Jesus WC. You know what WC means right? Instead of Mighty God, MG, Everlasting Father, EF and Prince of Peace, POP. We will end up with many versions.

What does WC means? Toilet right? Or Water Closet. (laughs)

Wonderful Counselor

The word of God don’t bring advice but it brings truth. The bible says the truth will set you free. If you have Jesus as your counselor, you will find Him wonderful. Jesus is definitely the Wonderful Counselor. Everything we need to know about life is already written in the book of life. He does not give you His opinion but He give you the truth.

Isaiah 28:29 All this also comes from the Lord Almighty, wonderful in counsel and magnificent in wisdom.

The counselor you can find is the Son of God and the greatest counsel you can find is God’s words. God’s word never fails. If Jesus is your counselor, I can say it’s wonderful.

Mighty God

For the hopeless, he is the Mighty God. As the Wonderful Counselor He can tell you what is right and points you to the truth. But as the Mighty God He is more than able to empower you. He is not just a God, but Isaiah says He is a Mighty God.

He is coming as a warrior, coming triumphantly. He is more than able to see you through. He is mighty in His presence because He is omnipresent. He is mighty in His wisdom because He is omniscient. And He is mighty in His power because He is omnipotent.

As long as there is God in your life there is hope. Not only He come as a Mighty Counselor to point you to the truth He is a Mighty God to empower you too. There is nothing impossible with God. The bible makes it very clear, Jesus is the alpha and the omega. The beginning and the end. With Jesus he is the eternal hope. 

Prince of Peace

For the heartbroken, he is the Prince of Peace. Prince is not enough but the Prince of Peace. Today, many people are taking pills and drinking alcohol because they are looking for peace in their life.

I want you to know only Jesus can give you the peace that will last. That is why He is the Prince of Peace. Not the prince of gold or whatever.

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

He says not as the world gives to you. The peace that the world give is only temporary.

I had a youth in church going through some boyfriend girlfriend problem. That night he went to the bar and got himself drunk. I asked him why you go to the bar to get drunk. Who told you, you just go to the bar to get drunk? Who told you to drown your sorrows in drinking? He says television. We often see that on TV. I asked him did it work? Is the hurt still there? Is it gone? He said it was for a while but when I woke up the pain is still there.

I want to tell you the world’s solution is temporary. But the Prince of Peace can give you real peace. A peace that surpasses all understanding. Where in the middle of a storm you can still smile.

Everlasting Father

I forgot to tell you He is also the Everlasting Father. To the Jews the idea of a father is origin. If you say you are the father of invention, you are the origin. When Isaiah called him Everlasting Father, He is the father of all things that pertains to eternity. When we look at our world we don’t like the condition. I don’t know about you but sometimes I am in a situation that is so helpless. I have to be reminded He is the Everlasting Father.

I told you I have received news of our newborn. I want to tell you it has been a challenging year for me. At the end of this year I fell sick. I was asking God how can I get sick as December is the most busy period of my life. But I was so sick I had to stay at a “hotel” for three nights and four days. I have never had problem with my sinus. But my immunity must be so low and I had an infection and had a fever. And I was wheezing.

They had to pump antibiotic directly into my blood. I was told the condition was very bad as the antibiotic was very potent and I had to take two combination of antibiotic. I felt really hopeless and helpless. God had to remind me He is the Mighty God and more than able to heal me.

When I left the hospital I was still blur. I was not very well but well enough to be discharged. If falling sick was not enough, my father-in-law passed away. It was a difficult time for us, more so my wife as she is pregnant and shouldn’t be traveling. She wished that she could help instead of being kept updated of his condition through WhatsApp. We never expected him to pass so quickly. But when he passed away, it was hard for us to travel. We had to travel about 41/2 hours and she had to process so many emotions. She was already so busy preparing for the child and now she has to deal with her father’s death.

And friends we don’t understand why it had to happened. But we commit everything to the Lord and travelled down. We asked the doctor what happens if she goes into labour and the doctor just said go to the nearest hospital.

But my wife was able to go through the funeral for four days and she had closure. Can you imagine if it’s after the birth it would have been impossible for her to go down. I saw God’s hand in every situation because He is the Mighty God, the Wonderful Counselor, the Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace.

We came back and the week after on Thursday, we had our son. On that morning she had some bleeding and at about 7.00am she woke me up and said get ready to go to hospital because there’s some bleeding. I asked if she got pain and she said a little bit. She took her shower and I had my shower. Them we had our milo and breakfast.

My mum was there and prayed for us and after 8.00am we left the house. The hospital was near, Pantai Hospital so I drove slowly and I even asked her if I can “tar pau” breakfast. The contraction came at about 10.00am-10.30am and by 11.30am, my son was born. I tell you men, you better love your wife. You can see and feel a little bit but you’ll never know the pain of childbirth.

When I see the child came out, the first thing you do is check whether the child’s got all 5 fingers, then you check his feet and check that what needs to be there is there. I can tell you the feeling is great. At that point, I will do anything I can in my power to protect the child.

When I held the child in my hands I thought no “rasa” already after three child but I stood there and cried. I thought after 5-6 years, God bless me with another child when I thought I don’t have to go through the changing nappy and sleepless nights again. I was asking God what it’s like I (bo kang cho) got no work to do is it?

I came to a point I had to tell God everything else don’t matter to me. My ministry right now is my family and children. Not that the church is not important but if your family is okay, your church ministry will be okay.

Another thing we had to wrestle with is that my wife is already 39 years old. And the doctor says there will be some risks like Down’s syndrome. I am very aware that in our church or families, we have special children. It’s not that I want to boast or anything but I want to boast in God. He asked if I want to do a blood test to see if it’s high or low risk. The other method is to put a needle into the embryo to be 100% sure. But that will risk miscarriage. When the blood test came out it showed she was in the category of high risk. The doctor asked if we want to do the next test.

That time we really went through a really hard time. Abortion is not an option for us. The doctor said for medical reasons it’s alright but I told the doctor that we will trust God. If He is a special baby we will need more of God’s grace. During that time God was my Wonderful Counselor, the Might God, the Everlasting Father and my Prince of Peace.

You know why I cried? I remember how good God has been to me. How faithful He has been to me. And I want to tell you He can be your Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father and your Prince of Peace. And this is what Christmas is all about.

A son is born and He went to the cross for us. I hope you will know this Jesus.

TOP’s energetic and talented youth dancing for our combined Christmas Service
Baby dedication for Ky-Shen and Pam’s one month old baby boy Caden Kan JiaZhi

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