Kingdom Rule

Rev Phillip Sung

We talked about covenant in my last sermon. How many of you remember? I want to continue on the second aspect of God’s DNA.

The DNA of the bible has two threads. Covenant Kingdom. God relates to us based on covenant. Not equal covenant but unequal covenant. God who is so great wants to covenant with small people like us. It’s about promises, relationship and Jesus being in the centre of our life.

The second thing is kingdom. The kingdom rule. We are destined to reign with God. I want to talk about Joseph.

Genesis 37:8
His brothers said to him, “Do you intend to reign over us? Will you actually rule us?” And they hated him all the more because of his dream and what he had said.

This is a favorite Sunday school story. You all know about Joseph. He was handsome, tall, capable and was spoiled by his father. He was gifted and somehow he felt like he was the centre of the universe.

He was pampered and spoiled and he had a dream that his brothers will bow down to him. When Joseph shared the dream to his parents, they said you will even rule over us? But this dream was prophetic. The brothers were so angry with him they wanted to kill him.

He went through dangers and difficulty because of this and the journey from the centre to the edge is the next part of the story. God was with Joseph. He was so capable he took charge of Potiphar’s household. The hand of God was on Joseph. He prospered. Until when Potiphar’s wife almost destroyed him. He was thrown into jail. Jail was a difficult experience but God had His purpose. Even in the midst of prison Joseph reign. He became in charge of the prison.

He learned how to be broken. Every great man of God needs to go through brokenness. A seed must die before it can grow. Humility is something that Joseph had to learn.

In prison Joseph was able to interpret dreams. God’s anointing was still upon Joseph. Even after Joseph interpreted the cup bearer’s dream the cup bearer forgot about Joseph.

But finally, Joseph interpreted Pharoah’s two dreams when nobody could. The cup bearer remembered Joseph as someone who could interpret dreams. Joseph told Pharoah I cannot interpret your dreams but God can. Joseph finally learned the lesson. From being in the centre to allowing God to be in the centre. A simple story of how God dealt with Joseph.

Some of us has forgotten how we started with God. God no longer become the source of our strength and power. Just like Joseph. God gave Joseph the wisdom and interpretation. Something he finally realized.

This morning I was sharing in the Hokkien service. That we need to rely on the Holy Spirit. To be full of the Holy Spirit and to be continually being filled by the Holy Spirit.

In the AOG Conference we were talking about God raising up a young generation of Pentecostals. A Spirit filled and anointed life. Not dependent in our degree, talent or strength.

Fourty years ago when I was called into ministry at Form 5, after my MCE, I went to Form 6 and thought I would go to university. But God had other plans and God gave me the zeal and strength to submit to Him and to serve Him. No regrets.

Joseph ruled in Potiphar’s household, ruled in prison, ruled in Egypt. When you go through prison you become a better leader. Our CM Guan Eng was in prison. Annuar was in prison. Nelson Mendela was in prison. Suffering is good. It creates character in our life. Joseph went through suffering and became the prime minister of Egypt.

Then the brothers came to him and was reconciled. When finally Joseph died, he said you thought evil against me but God made it for good. There are many things in life when we saw bad things happen, even crisis in the church, or terminal sickness or broken relationships, God is in control. If we know this in our hearts, God can meant it for good. That’s why we are kingdom people. He is preparing a kingdom of priest.

I am going to pray for you all over this and we are going to come before the Lord and reflect on these things that I have shared.

Josephine saying a few words before being prayed for.
She’ll be going down to Segambut, Johor to further her studies.

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