Resurrection Reality

Rev Mike Constantine
This passage tells us that the resurrection had multiple witnesses that say the same things. This is important because the more people say that, the more true the event is. We hear many things but whether it’s a lie or not depends on how many people actually sees it happen.
This is not fable. There are many attacks on his resurrection. Fables don’t make people loose their life for it. Truth will. Like the Christians who confess Jesus before they are beheaded by ISIS. All they have to do is say something else to save their life.
If it’s true you have to believe it. You will disregard it at your own peril. If it’s not, it does not matter.
If the resurrection is a historical reality, then you have to make the resurrection a personal reality.
The world of the devil make poor copies of the real but they are not real. That’s what the devil does. Like saying that Jesus is not the only one. Or that to believe in yourself, like what Sis Juwita said before she sang. Your believe has to be personal to you. It cannot be just something you do once a year.
Or he says don’t let them tell you what to do. Think for yourself. That thought can take you all the way to hell if you let it. Make the resurrection a personal reality to you. Christ has risen and anyone who believes that have an eternal relationship with God. That is amazing because only Jesus allows you to have an eternal relationship with God. Only the gospel of Jesus Christ gives you that. Papa God. I love the translation Juwita used. An eternal relationship.
On the day you are adopted by Jesus, you have an eternal relationship with God and nothing can break that. When I was adopted as a child I forever became a Constantine. Nothing can change that.
My mom was saved right after me. She just told me she had to go to church and when the choir sang” Just as I am… and softly and tenderly Jesus  is calling…” she couldn’t wait to be saved. She went to the front and gave her life to God. And she told me I know what to do when the devil comes to me. I asked mom what? She said if the devil comes to my door I’ll just say wait and I’ll tell Jesus the devil wants to talk to you (laughs). We have a secure relationship with God.
You are approaching God through an open door because of the resurrection. Because Jesus is risen and that and that alone is the gospel. Nothing more, nothing less.
Because Christ is risen, the Father’s door is always open and will never be closed. That promise is to you and everyone who believes. Jesus said these words. And that the Holy Spirit will come so he had to go. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truths and to empower us to righteousness. He is the spirit of adoption, power and grace and love and he is in us.
We have this treasure in this earthen vessel. Or in today’s words, throw away the plastic bottles. In us he put his life and glory. That’s a fantastic life to live.
Romans 6:4
4 We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
Bringing glory to God gives us the greatest possible joy.
I saw on Facebook this morning a post by a girl who took a selfie in church and said “so boring”. That’s frightening. It’s Easter Sunday and she’s in an AOG church. I commented and said go out there and bless someone. Boredom is a sign of someone that’s all about self. When you operate with God, there’s joy. Bless others. By the way it was in Chinese so how do I know what she wrote? I press translate (laughs).
1 Corinthians 15:57-58
57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
58 Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
Can you imagine you go to heaven and you see people whom you have blessed and you didn’t know about it. Or someone that has blessed you and you didn’t know? That’s what is waiting for us in heaven. Easter has fantastic meaning in our lives. We have a settled condition of righteousness though we’re not perfect because it is completed by Jesus Christ. We have all these because Jesus resurrected.

TOP’s worship looking smart on Easter
Our Speaker Rev Mike Constantine

“Just You and Me” by Juwita Suwito

Juwita Suwito ministering through songs

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