The 4 Essentials of an Effective Church

Rev Gideon Lee
Our emphasis will be on the word effective. From scriptures we will see there are 4 essentials for an effective church. That is not to say we are not effective but that we can always be more effective.
We are  celebrating our 38 years but we want to live forward. The church is you and me and not the building. This morning I pray as we talk about the church I’m speaking to you because the church is you and me.
Acts 16:6-10
Paul’s Vision of the Man of Macedonia
6 Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. 7 When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to. 8 So they passed by Mysia and went down to Troas. 9 During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” 10 After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.
This passage of scripture can teaches us a few things on how to be an effective church. Effectiveness is “the degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result”. Do you know sometimes we buy things thinking it’s effective but sometimes it is just not effective because it does not give us the result we want.
Like how sometimes we go pasar malam (night market) where they sell traditional medicines that they claim can do everything. It’s like it can cure anything. I think if you ask if it can cure cancer, they will say can. And when you take it back you find it’s just not effective. Even though he promised it’s so effective but at the end of the day when we put it to the test it does not give you the result that you want.
A group of people can gather together 3 times a week, sing some songs, listen to a sermon and say some prayers and call it “church”, but that does not constitute an effective church. An effective church is a church that worships and glorifies God, disciples and trains believers and seeks to point lost people to salvation in Jesus Christ. 
Let me give you my points first.
  1. Desire
  2. Discernment
  3. Direction
  4. Determination
These attributes are seen in Paul and his fellow labourers as they surrendered to the Macedonian call. Let’s look at this passage of scripture and examine “4 Essentials Of An Effective Church”
At this point Paul’s ministry has recently undergone some major changes. Paul had been traveling with Barnabas for some time. They had been very successful in the Lord’s work. They set out to visit the churches that they had established. But there was a sharp disagreement between the two over whether or not to allow John Mark to go with them.
As a result they split up and Paul chose Silas to go with him during the next phase of his journey. These two servants of God went through Syria and Cilicia encouraging the brethren. After this they travelled to Derbe and Lystra, there they met Timothy and Paul selected him to join them on this mission. They travelled through the region preaching the Word. As a result, churches were established and verse 5 says that the churches “increased in number daily”. 
At this point Paul had a plan for the future, but he quickly found out that God had other plans! Though his intentions were not what God had in mind, we can see Paul’s heart’s desire in this text. 
Think about this for a moment. How come the Holy Spirit stopped them? I thought God wants everyone to be saved. If you read the scriptures you will find God had a plan. It was not God’s plan or timing. The Holy Spirit plays a very important part for us to be an effective church.
But Paul had a desire but the Holy Spirit said not yet. Paul being a servant of God immediately understood and obeyed. Paul himself was called by God. He was on the road to Damascus. What was he planning to do? To persecute the Christians there. He was a zealous man. When he desired to do something he would do it even of it’s the wrong thing. God met him halfway to Damascus. A bright light confronted him and blinded him. And the Lord said it is me whom you are persecuting. God asked him to go to a place called Straight and to wait. We know the story, Ananias came and prayed for him. Saul’s eyesight was restored.
In order for us to be an effective church we must first have the desire. As a church we have a specific calling. Planted 38 years ago and it is still fulfilling the calling God has forgiveness the church. Start with the desire to be an effective Christian. And to be an effective church. I hope we have that desire and know that God has given us a purpose.
What is the desire and purpose of TOP? What is the vision of the church? It’s no longer placed here but it’s downstairs at the third floor. How many of you remember? That’s why I purposely have the service on the fourth floor.
Recently we had our wedding anniversary and we went to Alor Star to celebrate. We left our children for someone to help take care of them. At the anniversary, we had to revisit why we got married and what was God’s purpose for us.
So we also have to remember what is the vision of TOP. And what is the mission of the church?
Luke 4:18-19
18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free,
19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
This is what God has called the church to do. But if we do not have the desire, it will just be a poster in church. If you want to be an effective church you need to have the desire. My prayer is that God will increase your desire for the things of God. We must make sure that desire is within the will of God.
This leads me to the second point, discernment.
Acts 16:7
When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to.
Paul did not ignore the call of the Holy Spirit. Paul discerned correctly and he obeyed. We need to discern correctly and properly. J. Stowell said that discernment is the skill that enables us to differentiate. The ability to see issues clearly. And we need to cultivate this skill to know what is right and wrong. Light from darkness. Every Christian should be able to determine right from wrong, truth from error, righteousness and unrighteousness. Cultivate discernment from the Lord.
And when Paul discerned he obeyed. He didn’t fight or bargained with God. Paul discerned correctly. And so he obeyed. Like I said just now, we need desire but it may not be what God wants for me. One of the ways we learn to discern is by growing in the word. When we know God’s word we will automatically know the counterfeit. And discern what is right from wrong.
Remember how I said the devil come to offer us the counterfeit and if we know God’s word we will know which is the counterfeit? We need to really know the word of God. It’s fundamental and foundation of our walk with God.
Another way is we need to spend time in his presence. My sheep hears my voice. If we know how to discern God’s voice, any other voice we will know it’s counterfeit. Desire is good but we need discernment. As a church we need discernment.
We must be on autopilot. Are we spending enough time with our master? Like my children better hear from me. I hope I don’t leave it to the TV to tell them what is right or wrong. We need to discern the timing as well. The time and the season of what God is doing. I am concerned that the church at large has lost our discernment.
With discernment must come the word direction.
Acts 16:8
So they passed by Mysia and went down to Troas.
They didn’t just stand there and did nothing. They discerned what God wanted to do and the direction was to go this way. We need to go where the direction of the church is heading. Sometimes the pastor surge ahead and when he look back there are no followers. Just him alone. We need to move together. We must not lose sight of our vision and mission. We need to follow God’s direction.
It is not good enough just to know what God wants us to do but to actually do it. We need to follow when he gives us his direction.
That brings me to my last point. We need determination. We need to determine ourselves.
Acts 16:9-10
9 During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” 10 After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.
God gave Paul direction by sending him a vision and he got ready to leave. Paul was waiting for direction. He was not sure why God kept him from Asia but he knew how to wait on God for direction. In the vision God gave him the answer. And he made plans to go.
When God calls us to do something, let’s just go. Let’s go with determination. God woke up the next morning and determined in his heart to go to Macedonia. We need determination in our church.
Many times we have good and even godly plans. Sadly I find we do not have the determination to see it through. If this is from God let’s just do it. Are you with me this morning. We need to have the desire that we want to be an effective church. We won’t run far from our vision and mission.
And let’s determine to finish it. When God gives us a vision we must act on it immediately. If you say becoming a Christian is a bed of roses I want to ask you which church tells you so. Yes God is with us but suffering is part and parcel of the Christian life. When Jesus  was tempted in the desert the devil wanted to give Jesus  an alternative with no suffering.

I hope when the devil hears your name and he will tremble. If he does not, it’s a sad day. It means we have lost our effectiveness. Our effectiveness is not measured by how we do on our Sunday. But rather how well we do at the marketplace. When we are out there with our colleagues. How brightly are you shining for Christ. My desire is that we will be effective. And we will be salty and be a light bearer.

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