Glory to God in the Highest

As we celebrate Christmas, let’s reflect on the birth of Jesus and the significance of being children of God. The angelic visitation to the shepherds and other encounters with God’s glory illustrate how His glory envelops His children. This Christmas, may we find hope and peace in the glory of God.

Incarnation, Christmas

The Incarnation

from our sins and experiencing the peace with God, the peace of God and being at peace with men.

Jesus – The Greatest Gift of God

As we celebrate Christmas in the midst of a pandemic, there is much to thank God for. Whether you are a Christian or not, you will probably view Christmas and understand it as a season of giving. Christmas is largely seen as a season of gifts, of the giving and receiving of gifts.

Mary said, “YES!”

Mary was truly an amazing woman. She wasn’t perfect but she stepped out in faith to God’s call and she was obedient to His will for her life.  Mary is a woman who we would all do well to emulate.

A Child is Born, A Son is Given

And this Christmas, I hope you have a more meaningful Christmas because you know why that child in the manger needed to be born. For you and for me.

The Glory of God

If you are struggling with anything, I believe everyone needs a miracle. The question is how do I get my miracle. I want you to know your miracle will happen when the Glory of God comes upon you.

Press On

As we end 2018 and enter 2019, let us remember we are God’s work in progress, not perfect but working towards being more like Jesus. To lay hold of God’s high calling in our lives.

How Were the Wise Men Wise?

As God called the wise men to Christ by a star in the sky, He continues to call people to Himself through His servants and the word of God.

On the Brink of a Miracle

Whatever your disappointment is at the moment, God has a set time for your situation and when He answers, He not only takes care of your need but it will be for a greater purpose.

Waiting for Christmas

Rev Gideon Lee Luke 2:22-38 Jesus Presented in the Temple 22 When the time came for the purification rites required … More

The Word Made Flesh

Sis Melinda Song In the book Stewarding Christmas, author Scott Rodin pointed out that “the Incarnation is the greatest event … More

The Christmas Story

The position for a breakthrough is to be humble before God. To be completely transparent before him. Amen? This morning I … More


Rev John Kirby I met someone in the car park and it seems it’s been five years since Rev Gideon … More

Prepare Ye The Way

Rev Gideon Lee Mark 1:1-8 John the Baptist Prepares the Way ​1 The beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, … More

Back to Reality

Rev Gideon Lee It seems like it was just a few months ago I was looking forward to Christmas because … More

Repent, Share & Serve

Rev Gideon Lee Matthew 3:1-12 3 In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea 2 … More

The Day after Christmas

Matthew 2The Visit of the Magi1 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, … More

A Child Must Be Born

Rev Gideon Lee Isaiah 9:1-9To Us a Child Is Born1 Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who … More