Our Trust is in the Lord

Pastor Esther Tham shared a powerful sermon on Psalm chapter 4, written by King David during a time of distress. The passage encourages believers to trust in God’s divine intervention and seek relief from distress. Despite his turmoil with his son Absalom, David found joy and peace in God’s presence. The sermon emphasized trusting in the Lord, offering right sacrifices, and praising Him for His grace.

Give Thanks

Today is the last day of the year. For some, it can be a day of regrets when they choose to remember what could have been. For others, it can be a day of rejoicing when they choose to remember their achievements.

A Tested Faith

As we go through the challenges of life, will we, as children of God, be able to persevere in faith, hope, and love?

Radical Discipleship

Pastor Koay Kheng Hin5 November 2023 The sermon today is titled “Radical Discipleship”. It addresses the true nature of what … More

Love One Another!

Today, we want to look at the book of 1 Peter. This letter was written by Peter in approximately AD62. Peter was probably in Rome when we wrote this later, and it was during the great persecution under Emperor Nero.

Spiritual Success

Pastor Esther Tham23 & 24 September 2023 Today, we would like to look at the Book of Joshua, chapter one. … More

Blessed are the Meek

Rev Koay Kheng Hin17 September 2023 As we all reflect on the past week, some of us may have encountered … More

Boundaries that Bless

Pastor Melinda Song10 September 2023 Over the years in church, I heard many sermons about forgiveness and turning the other … More

Doing the Will of God

Rev Koay Khneg Hin27 August 2023 Busyness and conflicting demands on our time are characteristics of the time we are … More

Run To Win

Turn our focus to God, God is with us, and we should stand firm. Run as the winner runs. We do not do it on our own strength but the Lord’s. It is not how we start matters; it is how we finish. The finish line of the race is Christlikeness.

The Power of Your Words

Our words matter. Simple words, expressed in love, change lives. Ordinary words, chosen with wisdom and spoken with conviction, can change the world. May we always recognise the extraordinary power we carry.

Cause and Effect

We are fearfully and wonderfully made by God and blessed beyond description. God has brought us from darkness into the marvellous light. Remember when we are sick, God healed us. When we are in need, God provides for us. Remember when we fall into temptation, God delivers us.

Increase Your Capacity

It is likely that God wants to stretch your faith today. It begins with you putting your 5 loaves and 2 fish into the hands of the Lord and trusting Him to come through for you.

Heart Matters

As I reflect upon the kind of church God wants Tabernacle of Praise to be, I have come to realise that the kind of church that TOP becomes is inextricably tied to the kind of people we all are as members of TOP.

Jesus as the True Vine

In these few verses, Jesus said in the upper room teaching his disciples on the night of his betrayal. When he is about to depart from them and so he is preparing them for the time when he is not there with them physically. What he is preparing for in particular in this passage is how to have a relationship with Jesus. What it means to actually have a relationship, a living abiding relationship with Jesus that produces God’s honouring fruit in our life.

The Danger of Drifting

Through the years it is a joy to see familiar faces in church. At the same time, it is very sad to find that there are those who are no longer with us for a number of reasons. But one of the saddest stories to hear is of believers who have just left the church altogether or may not even be worshipping God anymore.

Spiritual Character

Have you wondered how God looks at you? Specifically, the question relates to whether God is more interested in who you become than in what you achieve?

Humble Yourself Before the Lord and He Will Lift You Up

What do you see when you think about the lives of people all around you? When we really take time to reflect upon this question one inescapable fact is that suffering is part and parcel of this temporal life in this world. The sermon today addresses this issue from the perspective of the apostle Peter.

Our Hope in the Lord is Not in Vain

I do not know what you are going through, but God sees what you are going through and He is with you in that situation, in that conflict, in that pain and in that trouble. He has the power to change our situation.

There Must Be More Than This

Revival is a hot topic in Christian circles these days. The latest revival to hit the news is the Asbury Revival which began spontaneously on February 8, 2023, at Asbury University’s regularly scheduled chapel service. It led to a multi-week gathering that drew visitors from all over the US and even the world until the university officially ended on-campus services on February 23 at the National Collegiate Day of Prayer broadcast hosted by the university.

I Have Kept the Faith

In today’s sermon, I wish to lead us to reflect upon eternity and its relation to our present life.

Keep Watch

The sermon today continues with spiritual insights that can be drawn from a study of the speech of the apostle Paul to the Ephesian elders on his way to Jerusalem as he finishes his third missionary journey.

Finding Purpose through God’s Word

To hold on to the basic teachings about Jesus, God’s Word is the greatest truth that builds up our lives. With this, we need to be rooted in God’s Word. Finding purpose through the Word of God.

A God of Intimacy

Having a personal relationship with God. The right relationship with Him. There is value in devotion, however, we need more than devotion, we need to understand who God is and Jesus is the model of intimacy. Jesus is the model, He models devotion, and He models understanding of God.

Completely Satisfied

Getting what we want, when we want, is a part of our daily life. For example, if we don’t like a TV show, we just change the channel. Same, when we don’t like the song we are listening to, we hit the button and change the song.

The Authentic Church

I have sought to categorize churches into three broad groups, namely the contemporary church, the charismatic church, and the conservative church.

A Life of Obedience

This Sunday morning even as we have partaken of the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of him it is timely that we bring into focus the following question, “What is the one thing that God desires of us, with which God will be well pleased?

The Foundation of the Word of God

This Sunday morning, as we reflect a bit more deeply into life, we may be able to perceive that beyond all the myriad choices in life and the many decisions that we make daily, all these choices and decisions can fall neatly into two paths.

A Gentle Spirit

The character traits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are to be taken as a whole.

A Pure Heart

Then shall we see God! What does it actually mean? In this present world, it will refer to our subjective experience of the presence of God in our lives. 

Through the Valley Dark and Deep

If you are going through a dark, scary valley today, remember that you are not alone. Rest in the promise of our Good Shepherd who will guide us through and around those dangerous spots in the valley so that we make it out safely on the other side. He will carry you when you are too weak to walk, and restore your soul when you are too tired to move forward.

Maturity in the Lord

We are called not only be hearers of His word but also doers of His Word. We turn it into a lifestyle. Maturing in the Lord is a life of wisdom, spiritual understanding, godly conduct in the manner worthy of the Lord, and in the knowledge of our inheritance.

Image of God

The Image of God

However, as much as we have the hope of eternal glory, all of us, both young and old, are presently living out our earthly lives that come with their struggles and burdens as well as their blessings and joy.

Christian Maturity

we move through another week of our lives and we look forward to a fresh new week it is helpful to remind ourselves that, beyond the routine activities of our daily lives, there is always the opportunity for spiritual growth, a gradual process of growing in Christian maturity. 


The Transformative Power of Scripture

Scripture is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. Scripture has the transformative power to transform us. In the present trying times, Scripture can give us assurance and peace.


Choose Faith Instead of Fear

There’s no doubt COVID has caused a great many things. But COVID has also revealed many things – perhaps even more than it has caused. It has revealed that the root cause of this fear, anger, doubt, and insecurity is not “out there” in a virus; it’s “in here” in our hearts.

Seek the Lord with all your Heart

To seek God with all your heart is to have an intimate personal relationship with God, to increase your desire for God more than anything else in our lives and lastly to pursue God alone who can fill our emptiness in our heart. 


Embracing & Extending Forgiveness

There is no easy road to forgiveness. Forgiving another takes time and work. It begins with thanksgiving that we have been forgiven and acknowledging that we have been hurt and need to forgive the offender.  

Missions Giving

Devotional Giving

been able to maintain our strong tradition of being a giving church, expressing what I would term as devotional giving.

serving and growing

Serving & Growing Together

We do well to follow the example of our Lord Jesus in his emphasis on the gospel call, understanding at the same time that good works must naturally accompany the gospel call.

I pray that this is the year that we will see more fruit in terms of disciple-making in numerical growth and more spiritual growth among all of us.


Be Faithful

I believe that it is appropriate that we look back at the year that is coming to an end and remember God in his faithfulness and make a personal choice to always remain faithful to God and to grow in this virtue of faithfulness.

Divine Detours

Divine Detours

When shifts in our plans occur, we complain and grumble. But if we are living in obedience, God makes it absolutely clear that his hand is behind all the detours.

Can These Bones Live?

nviting you and me, his church to RISE as a mighty army to proclaim His resurrecting word and the life-giving breath over the dead bones! 

What’s in Your Hand?

nd so he asks: “What if they don’t believe me?” (4:1). God then replies with a question: “What is that in your hand?”

In this short little exchange between God and Moses, we will find some principles on how God can turn the ordinary things and ordinary people into the extraordinary.

Termites That Destroy

Termites can destroy a house or even a tree one little bite at a time. It may go undetected for years and yet do irreparable damage. Even if the termites are exterminated, it is always a great loss and great cost.

The Church: A Spiritual House

the mission of the church as expressed in Exaltation, Edification, and Evangelism, and appreciating the full significance of the church being a spiritual house, believers leading spiritual lives, offering spiritual sacrifices, and enjoying spiritual blessings, the first step to take in maintaining and growing in such spiritual fervor and enthusiasm is the act of CONSECRATION.

The Joy of the Lord is My Strength

Joy is the evidence of God’s presence in our lives. We don’t need to wait for our situation to be better or our circumstances change. We don’t have to wait for the fig tree to bud, for the grapes to grow, for our problem to be solved, for the Covid-19 situation to be improved.

Winners Don’t Quit

If you are going to be what God wants you to be in your personal, spiritual walk with Him, it is going to take that quality of perseverance. To persevere means “to persist in any purpose or endeavour; to continue striving for one’s goals, despite difficulties. To stay on course.”

Reflecting the Glory of God

In the midst of the difficult circumstances of present times, it is needful for all of us as a people of God to keep in mind the priority of our Christian lives and the purpose for which God called us into his kingdom.

From Barrenness to Fruitfulness

Barrenness is a major theme in the Bible and most often used in reference to a woman who is unable to produce children. But the Bible also refers to the wilderness, being in a desolate place, desert, famine where the land is not producing food, and exile as barrenness.

Fatherhood – A Duty of Love

Today is Father’s Day!

A special Special because it allows us to remember fathers in our midst. When we think of our fathers we all have different emotions and feelings.

His Grace is Sufficient

eration and despair it is natural for people to look for meaning and find solace in religion and spirituality. In the midst of so many different and often contradictory beliefs, what makes Christianity different from all the other religions of the world? 

There Must Be More Than This

Today is Pentecost, the day on which God fulfilled His promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit and the church was born. Today, we celebrate that God has not abandoned us, but continues to be with us by His Holy Spirit

Choosing Devotion to God

However, if you look at life and find meaning in relationships, godliness, character formation and look at money in terms of stewardship as a blessing from God and to be used as a blessing to others then you are drawn to heavenly treasures. 

A Life of Sacrifice

We have just remembered our Lord in his death and resurrection! Such an occasion must necessarily always lead us to ponder and reflect on what it means to be a child of God and a disciple of Christ.

Hearing and Doing the Will of God

It is my intention today to draw you back to the primary essence of the Christian faith as it is to be lived out in this world. This primary essence is based on the fundamental attribute of God, that God is holy and we as a people of God, whether individually or as a church, must necessarily reflect the pure moral character of God in ethical conduct and behavior.

Bridging the Generation Gap

There are so many things that contribute to the generation gap. We used to live in multi-generational homes but nuclear families are now the norm. The pandemic has further compounded the problem as slowly but surely we are getting used to living in a socially distanced society. But sometimes it is more than distance that separate people and families.

The Mission of the Church

As we enter this new year, 2021, we look forward to a great year, trusting that God will do a wonderful work in the midst of us as a people of God. It is proper that once again we refresh ourselves regarding the mission of the church, the purpose for which God has called all of us as a people of God.

Finding Strength in God

Some people believe that human beings should never question the ways of God. They may even feel that it borders on sin to ask God, “Why?”

Devotion to God

During difficult times such as this period of an ongoing pandemic, it is needful for us seek God afresh and reflect upon our relationship with God in Christ.

How To Live Anxiety-Free

We live in an age of anxiety. Anxieties are normal in a fallen world. How many of us can honestly say we live care-free lives? Some of us have more or greater anxieties than others, but we all have them and more than ever before.

Finishing Well

What is your goal in life? The goal is very important because the phrase “finishing well” means different things to different people.

While It Is Day

Our text today is taken from John 9:4 where Jesus said, “I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work.” It is such a simple statement and yet it sets out the motivations for all that Jesus said and did.

Renewing You Mind

The sermon today is titled renewing your mind. I have chosen to attend to an understanding of the importance of the mind because when we go through difficult times the spiritual battlefield is our minds.

Keep On Digging!

Do you know what was remarkable about his story in the Bible? Well, he dug wells, he opened wells that had been sealed by the Philistines, and he dug wells and gave names to the wells. He seems obsessed with wells and kept on digging! And so the title of my message today is: “Keep On Digging!”

More Than Conquerors

To bring some light to the situation we are in, I wish to draw some relevant insights from the book of Romans. There are three insights based on the 3 “Es” of Eternity, Edification and Empowerment.

A Community of Faith

As we look into the Apostle Paul using the metaphor of the body of Christ, us being dependent on one another and each of us doing our part, to grow the body unto the head our Lord and our Saviour Jesus Christ.

The Strengthening Grace of God

Today the title of this sermon is ‘The Strengthening Grace of God’ and I would like to draw this insight of the strengthening grace of God from the epistle to the Corinthians, the second epistle to the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians 12: 9, 10. 

Beauty For Ashes

The Truth that shines through every bit of our grief, and pain, and sin, is this, Christ came to save us and set us free. Christ came to redeem. Christ came to bring hope. Christ came to bring beauty from ashes.

Spiritual Growth

The primary means of spiritual growth is a prayerful study of the Word of God. For it is said that the stability of a Christian comes from his faith in the Word of God, his knowledge of that Word and his ability to use that Word in the practical decisions of life.

Charity Begins at Home

Chinese New Year is that time of the year when we see some of our family members like cousins for the only time of the year. Family ties are important. We choose our friends, but family is given to us by God. It is not by choice. And New Year is a time not just to give and get Ang Pows but a time to catch up, talk, play and eat together.

The Way, the Truth and the Life

So this Chinese New Year season, however you see it, a large part would be about relationships. About bonding and restoration, about catching up with one another. That is why I believe that my message today speaks to all communities, because its is a message about relationships.

A Relational Discipling Church

As we begin a new year, what does God have in store for our church, Tabernacle of Praise ? This may be a question that may be on your minds as you sit on your chairs during this Sunday service.

Have You Tried?

Have you ever stopped what you’re doing to think of THAT? 
To think of how much time / energy / effort you have channeled into sharing Christ, or sharing about your faith?

Greatness Through God’s Eyes

Everyone aspires to greatness. All of us want to have purpose and significance in this life. We want to be respected, and we want to leave a legacy. No one aspires to mediocrity.

Parable of the Talents

Have you maximised the use of the resources that God by his grace has entrusted to you as a good steward? Not on what you lack but on what you already have.

A Spiritual Holiness

We are not perfect including me. We will have that tinge of religious holiness but we need to grow to spiritual holiness that makes people comfortable. How do you know, you ask me. He is a man without sin yet tax collectors feels comfortable with him, wayward women too and he’s even been called friends of sinners.

A Heart for All People

What is the basis and evidence for true faith? The answer is LOVE. I wish to ground the message today based on 3’s. I begin with verses 7-8. In these two verses John established that a person who truly is a child of God and really knows him, is evidenced by loving one another. God is love. This phrase grounds the whole passage.

The Preciousness of Faith

So today, think on what is precious to you. Money, looks, health, or relationships? What is precious to you?

Music and the Christian

So, today my question is how does a Christian handles music and songs? Both Christian and secular music and songs? How do we make our choices? Is there a right or a wrong?

Our Living Hope

Today’s sermon seeks to answer this question. Where can we draw strength when we meet the trials of life?

A Life Lived For Him

Which is why Grounding is important. Because you will ask questions (rather, have questions about your faith, about what you’re really believing in). If you don’t, others will ask you the questions. And that’s why we need to have Accountability. We need to stay uncomfortable.

Spirituality in Christ

What makes a spiritually mature Christian? Someone who is strong in his faith and faithful to his calling. Like how Paul is called more than a conqueror in the battles of life. 

Search for Meaning

Okay today, I am going to work on this message entitled ‘Search for Meaning’, and this is one where you have to think and reflect a little bit on what I am saying. It is a message that will take some time to sink in, what I am working on today is a sermon that is in my heart.

You Knew?

A recent study In Christianity Today reports that nearly half of all self-professed Christian millennials believe it’s wrong to share their faith with close friends and family members of different beliefs.

An Invitation to a Fast

Gluttony is a sin comparable to idolatry! Yet gluttony is a tolerated sin all over the world and a favourite sin of Malaysians in particular.

An Attitude of Prayer

If you ask why God did not answered your prayer, you would have determined that God has not answered your prayer. But when you ask why God has yet to answer our prayer calls for a deeper faith. For trust and hope that indeed I have prayed and my God will answer. 

Giving to God

I want all of you to remember these three ‘R’s – the Recipient for our giving is God, our Reason is because we love God and the third is that you will Reap a harvest in God’s love and provision.

Back to Basics

Now, I said we are going to go ‘back to basics’. So, when we talk about loving God, we always think of serving Him in church, serve Him here, serve Him there – serve Him everywhere, right? Or we think of giving to God.

By the Rivers of Babylon

What has the exile got to do with us? Well, some of us may be in a situation where you are not where you want to be or ever thought you would be. Perhaps you are dealing with chronic health issues, you have lost your investments or a job transfer has taken you away from family and friends. Your spouse of many years has died or your marriage, which began with so much promise, has breathed its last breath.

Serving from the Heart

As much as I love to serve, I cannot be involved in every ministry, or volunteer for every need or attend every service. It’s okay and you should never feel guilty about it.

Spiritual Honey

Paul was saying that the Corinthian church was planted by him but Apollos watered the seed that he planted. But the growth of the church spiritually or numerically was by God.

Sharing the Gospel

Evangelism is the call of edification to grow the church. But very often, we don’t really equip our people to evangelise! If we sit down and think, when was the last time we shared the Gospel to someone? Sometimes, it’s not that we don’t want to share, it is that we don’t really know how to do it!


Why does pain happen? Have you ever wondered how nice it would be if there was no hurt, no suffering and no PAIN in this world? I am sure you have, at one juncture or another. Why do certain people have no food to eat? Why do some people have to beg on the streets?

Spirituality as a Lifestyle (Part 2)

We are to be a light that shines in the world. We should shine before men. How do we shine? By the good deeds that we do. When we do good deeds in the name of Jesus Christ the glory goes to God. The glorifying of God is affirmed through the good deeds that we do. 

Dressed For The Banquet

God invites everyone, you and me, just as we are, but God expects us to put on new clothes to enter the kingdom. It may be a “Come as you Are” party, but once we arrive, we don’t “Stay As We Are.”

Your Worth

Our self-worth is too often based on what other people tell us about ourselves. The one, true authority on our self-worth is Jesus Christ, and since He gave His own life up for us by dying on a cross, that should tell us just how valuable we really are.

Spirituality as a Lifestyle

Today I would like to talk about worldliness vs our Christian walk. I want to touch about this key thing – our lifestyle. When we have been Christians for a period of time, we know we are different from our other non-believer companions.

Spiritual Renewal

I want to encourage us that spiritual renewal will come when we desire holiness. Love of Christ is the driving force for holiness. 

Disciple-Making in the Love of Christ

That will be the strength of TOP because what God put in my heart is what I can impart. We will move on the word, the community, prayer and we will grow in relationships. 

Jericho Shall Fall

Are you facing Jerichos in your life? There is no victory without battles but the battle belongs to the Lord, who fights on our behalf.

Press On

As we end 2018 and enter 2019, let us remember we are God’s work in progress, not perfect but working towards being more like Jesus. To lay hold of God’s high calling in our lives.

Church – Your Home Away From Home 

I am sharing this because some of you will leave Penang. Whether to study or to work it doesn’t matter. God will put you in a place where you can be a blessing to his kingdom. But to do that, you need to be integrated into a local church. 

The Foundation of Jesus Christ

Very very important that if you are grounded and your faith is founded on Jesus Christ you will always stand on a rock that will stand forever. We are easily swayed and look to men. 

Come And Drink

Thirst is a powerful drive!  Physical thirst cannot match he powerful thirst of the soul!  We may have many different sources to “drink” from when we are thirsty but there is only one that satisfies the soul, the living waters of Jesus!  

Put Off Slander

Slander occurs whenever someone says something untrue about someone else that results, intentionally or unintentionally, in damaging that someone else’s reputation. And when it occurs, it becomes a divisive, discouraging and confusing issue that often affects numerous people – sometimes many, many people.

Follow Me

When we accepted the Lord, Jesus says come, come to follow me. You have to look at it for this perspective. That hovering over the gospel call is that Jesus is calling. Calling for them to become a follower of Jesus Christ. A disciple of Jesus. A call to discipleship. 

Trusting In A God Who Guides

Life is full of decisions and we all want and need guidance. In fact, God’s guidance is especially important to us since we live in a fallen world so the fact that God LEADS and GUIDES His people is good news for us.

Our Joshua Generation

This morning, I want to talk about something that is close to my heart. Young people. We often hear that they are the next generation of the church. But I believe they are the Now Generation!

Growing in Spiritual Maturity

Let’s practice loving holiness. I don’t want you to pursue holiness and come not smiling because you are now holy. We are already saved by grace. Let’s love. A lovingly holy person will see people where they are while a legalistic holy person will do likewise but setting a proficiency standard, that’s the law. 

Conformed or Transformed

Transformation does not happen overnight. “Being transformed,” in the present tense indicates that this is a change in progress. It could be translated like this: “We are constantly being transformed.” It is not a one-time deal.

Experiencing God

A real encounter with God is personal. You will experience God as a person. You will experience him in a personal sense and this is the task of the whole Bible. 

Complacency That Destroys

If you are not able to keep the fire and the love for God going then slowly the coldness of complacency will set in our lives. It will lead to spiritual stagnancy and eventually spiritual death.

What Type of Soil are You?

Every where we look we find people who have been exposed to the Bible and its teachings, but their lives have not been changed by it. Many have begun well in the Christian life but for one reason or another they have failed to mature in the faith as their growth was stunted.

Let Love Control Knowledge

“Things which seem wrong to some Christians but not to all” and led us in a discussion of both how to handle the gray areas and how to relate to fellow Christians who don’t feel the way you do about everything.

The Church as a Body of Christ

Here you can see Paul suffered and love the church. One test is your love for Christ will without fail correspondence with your love for the church. The extent you love Jesus correspond with your love for the body.

Called to Unity

The Holy Spirit has bonded all believers together, making us one in the family of God. As the Spirit of the Lord works in our lives we begin to bear the fruit of the Spirit which is love, joy, PEACE. 

9-to-5 Reality Check!

What do you do when you experience fruitlessness or even failure in your work? How do you respond when your hard work yields poor results? 

The Word and the Spirit

We should be committed to the absolute authority and accuracy of Scripture, even where it flies in the face of ecclesial tradition, contemporary culture or intellectual fashion.

We should be committed to experiencing (and not merely believing in) the presence and power of the Holy Spirit today, eagerly desiring spiritual gifts and bearing the fruit of the Spirit.

Courage to Move Forward

Sis Melinda Song Joshua 1:1-9, NIV 1 After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ … More

Here I Am

Bro Koay Kheng Hin Today’s message is titled Here I Am. I’m actually working on Ps Ronald’s theme that he … More

Destined for Greatness

Rev Jasmine I’m going to get my PhD soon. Penang Hokkien Dialect. Here are the photos of my family. Here … More

Vision Casting Sunday

Rev Gideon Lee This morning is vision casting Sunday. I will be talking about our theme for the next two … More

One Body, Many Parts

Bro Kenny Song If you are surprised to see me up here…you are not alone. I am just as surprised … More

Stir Up the Gift

Rev Lawrence Seow How many of you here have been in TOP for 37 years? Wow, I see some hands. … More

A Walk with God

Bro Koay Kheng Hin I know when we talk about a walk it can be sensitive. Like walking Petaling Street … More

The Spiritual Man

Bro Koay Kheng Hin I actually prepared this some time back wondering what the Lord had for us. And as … More

Godly Purpose

Rev Gideon Lee Bro Steve with YWAM sharing about GoFest 2015 conference. Ecclesiastes 1:1-9 Everything Is Meaningless ​1 The words of the … More

Are You Growing?

Bro Vive Supramaniam We are coming to the end of the year. 30 days more to go to finish the year. … More