A Life Well Lived

In the last service of January, Pastor Melinda focused on Psalm 90, emphasizing the contrast between the eternal God and transient man, and the brokenness of the world due to sin. The psalm also highlights the mercy of God and the blessing of a relationship with Him. Moses’ prayer for God to change the times of their lives is transformed into a promise through Jesus.

Guilt and Forgiveness

One of the key causes of disharmony in our soul is a guilty conscience. We need to acknowledge that in spite of our own good intentions, we will still do things that are wrong and a sense of guilt comes upon us.

A Tested Faith

As we go through the challenges of life, will we, as children of God, be able to persevere in faith, hope, and love?

Radical Discipleship

Pastor Koay Kheng Hin5 November 2023 The sermon today is titled “Radical Discipleship”. It addresses the true nature of what … More

Love One Another!

Today, we want to look at the book of 1 Peter. This letter was written by Peter in approximately AD62. Peter was probably in Rome when we wrote this later, and it was during the great persecution under Emperor Nero.

Boundaries that Bless

Pastor Melinda Song10 September 2023 Over the years in church, I heard many sermons about forgiveness and turning the other … More

Salt and Light

We all begin the same way, coming to know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour in a personal manner as individuals. Along the way, we gradually integrate into a local church and get involved in the ministry of the church in some capacity.

Doing the Will of God

Rev Koay Khneg Hin27 August 2023 Busyness and conflicting demands on our time are characteristics of the time we are … More

The Power of Your Words

Our words matter. Simple words, expressed in love, change lives. Ordinary words, chosen with wisdom and spoken with conviction, can change the world. May we always recognise the extraordinary power we carry.

Cause and Effect

We are fearfully and wonderfully made by God and blessed beyond description. God has brought us from darkness into the marvellous light. Remember when we are sick, God healed us. When we are in need, God provides for us. Remember when we fall into temptation, God delivers us.

Heart Matters

As I reflect upon the kind of church God wants Tabernacle of Praise to be, I have come to realise that the kind of church that TOP becomes is inextricably tied to the kind of people we all are as members of TOP.

Spiritual Character

Have you wondered how God looks at you? Specifically, the question relates to whether God is more interested in who you become than in what you achieve?

Forsaken For Our Sake

Resurrection Sunday has always generated much excitement and rightly so, but it should not be at the expense of Good Friday. Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday come as a package deal. Without Good Friday there would be no Resurrection Sunday. Without Resurrection Sunday, there would be nothing good about Good Friday and the horrific death of Jesus would be a senseless atrocity.  

There Must Be More Than This

Revival is a hot topic in Christian circles these days. The latest revival to hit the news is the Asbury Revival which began spontaneously on February 8, 2023, at Asbury University’s regularly scheduled chapel service. It led to a multi-week gathering that drew visitors from all over the US and even the world until the university officially ended on-campus services on February 23 at the National Collegiate Day of Prayer broadcast hosted by the university.

I Have Kept the Faith

In today’s sermon, I wish to lead us to reflect upon eternity and its relation to our present life.

Finding Purpose through God’s Word

To hold on to the basic teachings about Jesus, God’s Word is the greatest truth that builds up our lives. With this, we need to be rooted in God’s Word. Finding purpose through the Word of God.

Forgiven Forgivers

One pastor once said that you could give the secret of a good marriage in just one word. The word is forgive. Forgiveness is the key ingredient not only in marriage but in any relationship involving people. You need to learn forgiveness. You need to grant it, and you need to receive it.

Your Kingdom Come

Pastor Melinda Song22 & 23 October 2022 INTRODUCTION If I were to ask you, what was the central theme of … More

The Authentic Church

I have sought to categorize churches into three broad groups, namely the contemporary church, the charismatic church, and the conservative church.

Desiring Loving Holiness

When we are exhorted to grow in holiness, often there is a sense that we think holiness is unnatural and beyond us. The reason for this is that we often misunderstand what holiness means and we often do not desire holiness to the same extent that we desire love because of such a misconception.

Get Rewarded

Pastor Melinda Song10 & 11 September 2022 We are at the tenth and final gate that completes our tour of the … More

A Life of Obedience

This Sunday morning even as we have partaken of the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of him it is timely that we bring into focus the following question, “What is the one thing that God desires of us, with which God will be well pleased?

A Gentle Spirit

The character traits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are to be taken as a whole.

A Pure Heart

Then shall we see God! What does it actually mean? In this present world, it will refer to our subjective experience of the presence of God in our lives. 

Throw Out the Trash

My friend, every genuine child of God wants to get up out of the dirt. That is the reason we are given a desire to grow in grace and in the knowledge of Him — that we may get up out of the mire of life. We have been set free to “fight the good fight” (2 Tim 4:7) and to “run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Heb 12:1).

Good Friday

Like Sheep Gone Astray

On this Good Friday I would like us to look at a familiar passage from First Peter that sums up in two short verses both the horror and the wonder of Christ’s Passion.

Gateway to Life: The Sheep Gate

This morning we are continuing our journey through the book of Nehemiah. Two weeks ago we looked at Nehemiah Chapter 1 where we learned some great lessons on how to pray like Nehemiah.

The Worship of God in Reverence and Awe

It is the Christian’s worship of God in Christ that his life and his lifestyle is defined. The title of the sermon today is “THE WORSHIP OF GOD IN REVERENCE AND AWE”.


A Life of Worship

Believers, first and foremost, are worshippers. A life of worship is a life of faith, a life of holiness and a life of power.

Termites That Destroy

Termites can destroy a house or even a tree one little bite at a time. It may go undetected for years and yet do irreparable damage. Even if the termites are exterminated, it is always a great loss and great cost.

The Church: A Spiritual House

the mission of the church as expressed in Exaltation, Edification, and Evangelism, and appreciating the full significance of the church being a spiritual house, believers leading spiritual lives, offering spiritual sacrifices, and enjoying spiritual blessings, the first step to take in maintaining and growing in such spiritual fervor and enthusiasm is the act of CONSECRATION.

Worship as David Did

We are all very familiar with the Tabernacle of Moses and the spectacular Temple of Solomon but many of us may not know that King David set up a tabernacle known as the tabernacle of David. 

There Must Be More Than This

Today is Pentecost, the day on which God fulfilled His promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit and the church was born. Today, we celebrate that God has not abandoned us, but continues to be with us by His Holy Spirit

A Life of Sacrifice

We have just remembered our Lord in his death and resurrection! Such an occasion must necessarily always lead us to ponder and reflect on what it means to be a child of God and a disciple of Christ.

Hearing and Doing the Will of God

It is my intention today to draw you back to the primary essence of the Christian faith as it is to be lived out in this world. This primary essence is based on the fundamental attribute of God, that God is holy and we as a people of God, whether individually or as a church, must necessarily reflect the pure moral character of God in ethical conduct and behavior.

The Goodness of God

WE are thankful to God that we can once again gather together as a people of God to worship him. As we reach the end of this unprecedented year, we need to continue to seek the Lord, reflect upon his person and grow in our knowledge of him.

Renewing You Mind

The sermon today is titled renewing your mind. I have chosen to attend to an understanding of the importance of the mind because when we go through difficult times the spiritual battlefield is our minds.

Unity in Love & Holiness

The sermon today seeks to bring into focus the three important emphases of Tabernacle of Praise in relation to God. These three emphases are holiness, love and unity. As we reflect upon the attributes ofGod, we can discern that the two descriptions “God is holy” and “God is love” captures much of who God is. 

A Friend Who Intercedes is a Friend Indeed

We are living in difficult times. What would you do if you have a friend who has been retrenched and is desperately looking for a job? And you happen to have another friend who is the boss of a company who is able to take on an employee that has your friend’s job skill?

The Holy Communion

Today marks nearly two and a half months since the MCO, and in this two and a half months much has happened and moving on, next week we will be entering into the month of June and in the first Sunday of the month of June, we will indeed be administering the Holy Communion online, for the first time in the history of Tabernacle of Praise.

Three Crosses at Calvary

On Good Friday, two thousand years ago our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. We know His story. We know He suffered torment and agony at the hands of evil men; endured the shame of being crucified naked; and died on the cross for our redemption.

Not Without Your Presence

When something is present, it means that thing is with you and is close in proximity. The personal presence of God is not merely some “force” or “influence”, but a personal, real, life-changing presence of a living God who abides in us and dwells among us.

A Relational Discipling Church

As we begin a new year, what does God have in store for our church, Tabernacle of Praise ? This may be a question that may be on your minds as you sit on your chairs during this Sunday service.

A Spiritual Holiness

We are not perfect including me. We will have that tinge of religious holiness but we need to grow to spiritual holiness that makes people comfortable. How do you know, you ask me. He is a man without sin yet tax collectors feels comfortable with him, wayward women too and he’s even been called friends of sinners.

A Tale of Two Mountains

TOP, we are people of Mt Zion and I’m calling on TOP to change our way of thinking about what is happening when we gather corporately to sing and pray and speak God’s Word. In fact, the celebration of the New Covenant resembles the revelry of a national holiday. 

Spirituality in Christ

What makes a spiritually mature Christian? Someone who is strong in his faith and faithful to his calling. Like how Paul is called more than a conqueror in the battles of life. 

Sent Into the World

Did Jesus hang out with sinners and tax collectors? Should Christians hang out with ungodly friends? What’s up with Jesus hanging with the sinners? Why would Jesus hang out with sinners if Christians should not?

The Glory of God

Three words. A relational discipling church. It is in the area of relations that the church has failed.


Why does pain happen? Have you ever wondered how nice it would be if there was no hurt, no suffering and no PAIN in this world? I am sure you have, at one juncture or another. Why do certain people have no food to eat? Why do some people have to beg on the streets?

Come Together in Prayer

God encourages his people to pray to him. The Bible is filled with the prayers of ordinary men and womenwho intentionally conveyed their messages to God through messages of petition, words of praise and adoration; expressions of joy and wonder; confessions of doubt, fear, and anxiety; and statements of hope.

God’s Words in You

But I want to look at God’s word not from a theological aspect but from the perspective of our Christian walk on a daily basis. I want to look not so much at you having the word of God but does the Word of God have you? What do I mean by that?

Dressed For The Banquet

God invites everyone, you and me, just as we are, but God expects us to put on new clothes to enter the kingdom. It may be a “Come as you Are” party, but once we arrive, we don’t “Stay As We Are.”

Spirituality as a Lifestyle

Today I would like to talk about worldliness vs our Christian walk. I want to touch about this key thing – our lifestyle. When we have been Christians for a period of time, we know we are different from our other non-believer companions.

Spiritual Renewal

I want to encourage us that spiritual renewal will come when we desire holiness. Love of Christ is the driving force for holiness. 

The Glory of God

If you are struggling with anything, I believe everyone needs a miracle. The question is how do I get my miracle. I want you to know your miracle will happen when the Glory of God comes upon you.

Growing in Spiritual Maturity

Let’s practice loving holiness. I don’t want you to pursue holiness and come not smiling because you are now holy. We are already saved by grace. Let’s love. A lovingly holy person will see people where they are while a legalistic holy person will do likewise but setting a proficiency standard, that’s the law. 

Conformed or Transformed

Transformation does not happen overnight. “Being transformed,” in the present tense indicates that this is a change in progress. It could be translated like this: “We are constantly being transformed.” It is not a one-time deal.

Wholly Separated – No Compromise

As true believers, we recognize that our position in Christ and relationship with God sets us apart from the world (1 Peter 2:9). Instead of trying to “blend in” with the world, we should be living according to God’s Word.

Wholly Holy

Therefore, because of the holiness of God, we must have a new life in which our sins have been forgiven and done away with so that we actually can be as separated from sin as God is.

The Way to Real Happiness

Jesus is the way to real happiness. If you know Christ and you are delighting in the Word of God and allowing the Spirit of God to transform you, you are on the way to real happiness.

The Presence of God

 Bro Koay Kheng Hin I was very blessed. I feel younger. In school they call me apek. Not because of … More