Our Trust is in the Lord

Pastor Esther Tham shared a powerful sermon on Psalm chapter 4, written by King David during a time of distress. The passage encourages believers to trust in God’s divine intervention and seek relief from distress. Despite his turmoil with his son Absalom, David found joy and peace in God’s presence. The sermon emphasized trusting in the Lord, offering right sacrifices, and praising Him for His grace.

Exalting Jesus

Christmas is just two days away. The Christmas season is a good time for reflection, an opportunity to ask questions to ascertain the direction in which we should be heading in life.

A Tested Faith

As we go through the challenges of life, will we, as children of God, be able to persevere in faith, hope, and love?

Run To Win

Turn our focus to God, God is with us, and we should stand firm. Run as the winner runs. We do not do it on our own strength but the Lord’s. It is not how we start matters; it is how we finish. The finish line of the race is Christlikeness.

There’s A Miracle Within Your Problem

Today I’d like you to consider what word or picture comes to mind when we hear the word “problem.” We tend to have negative connotations when it comes to problems. We don’t look forward to nor welcome problems. But how about the word “miracle”?

The Resurrection

Today marks arguably the most important day in the Christian calendar. It is the day we all come together to commemorate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the day he was raised from the dead.

Our Hope in the Lord is Not in Vain

I do not know what you are going through, but God sees what you are going through and He is with you in that situation, in that conflict, in that pain and in that trouble. He has the power to change our situation.

Spiritual Impartation

As we go through life, we meet people confronted with different circumstances of life who will have diverse needs. God constantly empowers us to grow in having a heart for people, to show care and concern and to lend a helping hand to people in need.

A God of Compassion

What would be your answer if you were asked, “How are you feeling?” This is usually a question about a person’s physical health but it is equally valid for us to ask about a person’s emotional state of being.

Finding Purpose through God’s Word

To hold on to the basic teachings about Jesus, God’s Word is the greatest truth that builds up our lives. With this, we need to be rooted in God’s Word. Finding purpose through the Word of God.

A Gentle Spirit

The character traits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are to be taken as a whole.

Through the Valley Dark and Deep

If you are going through a dark, scary valley today, remember that you are not alone. Rest in the promise of our Good Shepherd who will guide us through and around those dangerous spots in the valley so that we make it out safely on the other side. He will carry you when you are too weak to walk, and restore your soul when you are too tired to move forward.


Providential Prayer

This intrinsic connection between righteousness and prayer is based on the holiness of God, that the presence and power of God are manifest in holiness. 

Resurrection Sunday

Christ is Risen!

Today is Easter Sunday, a special day of the year because this is the day Christians commemorate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Good Friday

Like Sheep Gone Astray

On this Good Friday I would like us to look at a familiar passage from First Peter that sums up in two short verses both the horror and the wonder of Christ’s Passion.

Can These Bones Live?

nviting you and me, his church to RISE as a mighty army to proclaim His resurrecting word and the life-giving breath over the dead bones! 

Faith, Hope and Love

Faith, Hope and Love

n this special day, it is appropriate that we turn our eyes towards our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As we look back to our past 43 years and thank God for his goodness and faithfulness, at the same time we are called to look forward to the future. 

From Barrenness to Fruitfulness

Barrenness is a major theme in the Bible and most often used in reference to a woman who is unable to produce children. But the Bible also refers to the wilderness, being in a desolate place, desert, famine where the land is not producing food, and exile as barrenness.

Reaching One, Reaching Many

If this is a movie we find two main actors – Peter and the lame man – with John, the supporting actor. The scene set before us is the gate of the temple called the Beautiful Gate. The director is the Holy Spirit.

The Centrality of God in Christ

Today is the third day of Chinese New Year. For most of us who are Chinese Christians, we have had our reunion dinners and celebrated the New Year in a very different manner from past New Year celebrations.

How To Live Anxiety-Free

We live in an age of anxiety. Anxieties are normal in a fallen world. How many of us can honestly say we live care-free lives? Some of us have more or greater anxieties than others, but we all have them and more than ever before.

A Relational Faith

Today’s sermon addresses a very common question that is asked by Christians. “Why does God not answer my prayer?” When the question is phrased this way, then the word prayer most often means petitionary prayer, that is a prayer where we ask God for a specific request. It is a question that can only be properly understood if we understand how God responds to prayer.

Faith Arising from Hope

Faith and hope are related concepts in the Bible. While faith without hope is possible, hope without faith is not. 

A Community of Faith

As we look into the Apostle Paul using the metaphor of the body of Christ, us being dependent on one another and each of us doing our part, to grow the body unto the head our Lord and our Saviour Jesus Christ.

A Mother’s Legacy

Today is Mother’s Day and we want to honour all the mothers and wish them a “Happy Mother’s Day.”  I hope you have enjoyed the music video that we have prepared for you. We want to thank them for the love and sacrifice they have given over the years to their children. 

A Faith of Devotion

This health crisis is evolving into a crisis of finances. For employers, it is a time when their struggle and their challenge is whether they can still keep their businesses afloat. For employees, it is a time of uncertainty. And a time when they wonder, whether they can still hold their jobs.

Day 2: Where is God?

Governments have had to grapple with health and economic crisis. Medical front-liners have been pushed to their limits trying to cope and businesses have come to a near standstill. People are dying.

The Resurrection

The very fact that Jesus resurrected from that Easter Sunday brings to us that understanding that the Cross and the empty tomb forms a complete, integral part of the Gospel.

Three Crosses at Calvary

On Good Friday, two thousand years ago our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. We know His story. We know He suffered torment and agony at the hands of evil men; endured the shame of being crucified naked; and died on the cross for our redemption.

Refuge Under the Wings of God

Today, the Sunday before Easter, is known as Palm Sunday because in John 12:13 we read that the people broke palm branches from the trees and lined the streets in front of Jesus Christ, welcoming Him as He made His triumphant entry into the city of Jerusalem.

Faith for the Journey

Today is the 5th day of the implementation of the Movement Control Order as our nation work through the challenges posed by COVID-19. As we go through these stormy uncharted waters, we may wonder where God is in the midst of it. The truth is that God isn’t far away, and it is in times like this that he is inviting us into a closer and deeper relationship with him. Let’s not allow social distancing to turn into spiritual distancing.

Faith in Christ

The sermon today will address the issues of faith and fear. As the country goes through a health crisis in the form of Covid-19, and the beginning of an economic crisis, we need to ask ourselves how we are to address the situation we are in. 

God of the Ordinary

Ruth is a story for those who in the midst of tragedy, loss, pain or disappointment may doubt whether God is in control, whether God is good, and whether faithfulness to do what is right is worth it in hard times.

In God We Trust

I believe everywhere you go these few days, everyone of us will be confronted with dialogues and conversations about the current political tension. We have all had a challenging week with the political uncertainty that is enveloping the country. Times have been hard but in this past week, we sense that times have become even harder, in a time of the economic downturn. Uncertainties have suddenly become the order of the day, as we do not know what to expect.

Beauty For Ashes

The Truth that shines through every bit of our grief, and pain, and sin, is this, Christ came to save us and set us free. Christ came to redeem. Christ came to bring hope. Christ came to bring beauty from ashes.

Greatness Through God’s Eyes

Everyone aspires to greatness. All of us want to have purpose and significance in this life. We want to be respected, and we want to leave a legacy. No one aspires to mediocrity.

Living in Two Worlds

I want to stress that while we are living in two worlds, there is only one destination. Like Joseph, let us not murmur and complain each time we feel life has not been fair towards us, but realise that WHATEVER circumstances we are in, we can glorify him with our decisions and actions. We can make a difference.

Cannot Be Shaken

Mountains make men marvel at the majesty of God’s creation. They awaken in man the instinct for heaven. He knows when he looks at the mountains that he was made for a high and lofty purpose.

The Preciousness of Faith

So today, think on what is precious to you. Money, looks, health, or relationships? What is precious to you?

Our Living Hope

Today’s sermon seeks to answer this question. Where can we draw strength when we meet the trials of life?

Christ is Risen

The climax of Mark’s gospel is the account of the resurrection. That Jesus indeed has resurrected from the dead. If Jesus did not resurrect from the dead and the climax is just the death of Jesus at Calvary, then however noble it can be, all the account would give us a Jesus that died.

Jesus Christ, A Refuge For My Soul

He is our Refuge DURING the “storms” of physical affliction, emotional turmoil or spiritual attack. In Christ our Rock of Refuge we can endure any trial with the calm assurance that the Rock of Ages Who shields us cannot be moved.

It’s Okay to Ask Why

The question arose. Why? When things go terribly wrong in our lives, when tragedy strikes, when we go through suffering, we sometimes ask this question don’t we? Why? Sometimes, we ask our Pastors, or our Care Group leaders, or another Christian and often, we ask God this question. Why?

It’s Not the End Yet!

Pastor Melinda Song People are intrigued by the mystery of the unknown future. Hence the popularity of astrology, fortune-telling and horoscopes. … More


Rev Gideon Lee Hebrews 11 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do … More

A Living Hope

Sis Melinda Song INTRODUCTION The purpose of Christmas with the community is to bring hope to the hopeless and helpless. … More