A Life Well Lived

In the last service of January, Pastor Melinda focused on Psalm 90, emphasizing the contrast between the eternal God and transient man, and the brokenness of the world due to sin. The psalm also highlights the mercy of God and the blessing of a relationship with Him. Moses’ prayer for God to change the times of their lives is transformed into a promise through Jesus.

Exalting Jesus

Christmas is just two days away. The Christmas season is a good time for reflection, an opportunity to ask questions to ascertain the direction in which we should be heading in life.

Blessed are the Meek

Rev Koay Kheng Hin17 September 2023 As we all reflect on the past week, some of us may have encountered … More

Spiritual Character

Have you wondered how God looks at you? Specifically, the question relates to whether God is more interested in who you become than in what you achieve?

Humble Yourself Before the Lord and He Will Lift You Up

What do you see when you think about the lives of people all around you? When we really take time to reflect upon this question one inescapable fact is that suffering is part and parcel of this temporal life in this world. The sermon today addresses this issue from the perspective of the apostle Peter.

A Gentle Spirit

The character traits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are to be taken as a whole.

Good Friday

Like Sheep Gone Astray

On this Good Friday I would like us to look at a familiar passage from First Peter that sums up in two short verses both the horror and the wonder of Christ’s Passion.

Palm Sunday

Jesus’ Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem

More than two thousand years ago, God’s redemptive plan changed the world. The power of sin and death was broken through the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Death was defeated. Today is Palm Sunday. Jesus entered Jerusalem triumphantly on the first Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday is the last Sunday of Lent, and it also marked the beginning of the Holy Week. 


Pray Like Nehemiah

God uses prayer as the means by which he accomplishes his plan. Prayer transforms our hearts and teaches us to be dependent on Him.


Embracing & Extending Forgiveness

There is no easy road to forgiveness. Forgiving another takes time and work. It begins with thanksgiving that we have been forgiven and acknowledging that we have been hurt and need to forgive the offender.  

Termites That Destroy

Termites can destroy a house or even a tree one little bite at a time. It may go undetected for years and yet do irreparable damage. Even if the termites are exterminated, it is always a great loss and great cost.

Faithful Till the End

aid to Cain, where sin is crouching outside your door, ready to devour you. For others, it’s a loved one whose health is deteriorating and there’s nothing you can do. For still others, it’s a family situation that seems to be getting worse instead of better. 

A Life of Sacrifice

We have just remembered our Lord in his death and resurrection! Such an occasion must necessarily always lead us to ponder and reflect on what it means to be a child of God and a disciple of Christ.

The Imitation of Christ

As we look to God this Sunday morning I believe that, for many of us, there are needs and burdens that trouble our hearts. Even as we bring these needs and burdens in prayer to God, it is more important that we seek to draw closer to God in relational intimacy.

Humility and Contentment

As we look to God this Sunday morning I believe that many of you are seeking to find a certain sense of direction personally for this year 2021. Time has passed pretty fast and it seemed not long ago that we were living in the year 2020.

Bridging the Generation Gap

There are so many things that contribute to the generation gap. We used to live in multi-generational homes but nuclear families are now the norm. The pandemic has further compounded the problem as slowly but surely we are getting used to living in a socially distanced society. But sometimes it is more than distance that separate people and families.

Finishing Well

What is your goal in life? The goal is very important because the phrase “finishing well” means different things to different people.

Unity in Diversity

Pastor Koay Kheng Hin18 October 2020 The worship service today is a very special one because as a church we … More

The Strengthening Grace of God

Today the title of this sermon is ‘The Strengthening Grace of God’ and I would like to draw this insight of the strengthening grace of God from the epistle to the Corinthians, the second epistle to the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians 12: 9, 10. 

A Relational Discipling Church

As we begin a new year, what does God have in store for our church, Tabernacle of Praise ? This may be a question that may be on your minds as you sit on your chairs during this Sunday service.

Guilty as Charged

How do you react when your eyes are opened to you sin? Do you hide in fear? Do you become defensive and blame someone else? In your moments of agony over sin, you have a God who will deal with you in truth and compassion, and who offers you his perfect covering. You can come to him in repentance instead of hiding from him. You can ask him to work his glory and victory over your shame. You can ask for his covering of grace.

An Invitation to a Fast

Gluttony is a sin comparable to idolatry! Yet gluttony is a tolerated sin all over the world and a favourite sin of Malaysians in particular.

Was Jesus a Great Leader?

But this morning I want us to look at what kind of a leader Jesus was. Everywhere he went, people followed after him. Why? Yes, he performed many miracles, he was there for the needy, he told stories and he spoke with authority, yet he came as a humble servant.

Dressed For The Banquet

God invites everyone, you and me, just as we are, but God expects us to put on new clothes to enter the kingdom. It may be a “Come as you Are” party, but once we arrive, we don’t “Stay As We Are.”

Spirituality as a Lifestyle

Today I would like to talk about worldliness vs our Christian walk. I want to touch about this key thing – our lifestyle. When we have been Christians for a period of time, we know we are different from our other non-believer companions.

Success for 2018

When we think God’s thoughts we think the most powerful thoughts.

Called to Unity

The Holy Spirit has bonded all believers together, making us one in the family of God. As the Spirit of the Lord works in our lives we begin to bear the fruit of the Spirit which is love, joy, PEACE. 

Destined for Greatness

Rev Jasmine I’m going to get my PhD soon. Penang Hokkien Dialect. Here are the photos of my family. Here … More

Pride and Humility

Bro Koay Kheng Hin Pride and Humility is the humbling of man and the honour of God. I believe that … More

Godly Fear

Bro Vive Supramaniam Hebrews 12: 28-29“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, … More


Rev Gideon Lee I know that 2015 is a year of uncertainties because of the GST. Many of you are … More

The Barnabas Effect

Sis Melinda Song I love stories so let me begin by telling you a story that I heard many, many … More

Get Real!

Rev Gideon Lee I want to continue from the book of Matthew.  Matthew 23:1-12 ​1 Then Jesus said to the … More

Great Is Your Faith

Rev Gideon Lee Matthew 15:21-28 (NIV) The Faith of a Canaanite Woman 21 Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the … More

True Greatness

Sis Melinda Song The Star recently reported that there were two people conferring scores of dubious state Datukship titles. One … More