A Life Well Lived

In the last service of January, Pastor Melinda focused on Psalm 90, emphasizing the contrast between the eternal God and transient man, and the brokenness of the world due to sin. The psalm also highlights the mercy of God and the blessing of a relationship with Him. Moses’ prayer for God to change the times of their lives is transformed into a promise through Jesus.

Acceptable Worship

Worship has always been a contentious aspect of church services. Those who prefer a more subdued and reflective style of worship find overly expressive forms of worship uncomfortable, possibly even arrogant and showy. On the other hand, others from a more Pentecostal/charismatic background find this type of worship stiff and lacking the Spirit.  

Magnanimous Fatherhood

I wish to begin by stating that it is not easy to be a father in this generation. I speak to fathers who struggle with wayward children, to fathers who have obedient children who have dreams and aspirations that you personally as a father find difficult to help them in the pursuit of their dreams and hence feel a sense of inadequacy and to fathers who desire to grow in fatherhood and finally to fathers who have made wrong choices in life and who aspire to turn on a new leaf and be good fathers.

There’s A Miracle Within Your Problem

Today I’d like you to consider what word or picture comes to mind when we hear the word “problem.” We tend to have negative connotations when it comes to problems. We don’t look forward to nor welcome problems. But how about the word “miracle”?

God’s Way is the Best Way

The step of repentance. By taking a closer look at Jonah, let us start trusting God in His final decisions and really trusting Him with our concerns. We want to fully be submitted to His plan and His way. May our zeal can be reignited, and the standard of Christ can once again burn brightly in our lives

The Resurrection

Today marks arguably the most important day in the Christian calendar. It is the day we all come together to commemorate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the day he was raised from the dead.

Forsaken For Our Sake

Resurrection Sunday has always generated much excitement and rightly so, but it should not be at the expense of Good Friday. Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday come as a package deal. Without Good Friday there would be no Resurrection Sunday. Without Resurrection Sunday, there would be nothing good about Good Friday and the horrific death of Jesus would be a senseless atrocity.  

Spiritual Impartation

As we go through life, we meet people confronted with different circumstances of life who will have diverse needs. God constantly empowers us to grow in having a heart for people, to show care and concern and to lend a helping hand to people in need.

The Writing is on the Wall

You may be trying to live right, do right, and obey the Scriptures and there have not been any evident blessings or rewards. It may even result in grief and heartache.

Get Rewarded

Pastor Melinda Song10 & 11 September 2022 We are at the tenth and final gate that completes our tour of the … More

Throw Out the Trash

My friend, every genuine child of God wants to get up out of the dirt. That is the reason we are given a desire to grow in grace and in the knowledge of Him — that we may get up out of the mire of life. We have been set free to “fight the good fight” (2 Tim 4:7) and to “run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Heb 12:1).


Providential Prayer

This intrinsic connection between righteousness and prayer is based on the holiness of God, that the presence and power of God are manifest in holiness. 

Good Friday

Like Sheep Gone Astray

On this Good Friday I would like us to look at a familiar passage from First Peter that sums up in two short verses both the horror and the wonder of Christ’s Passion.

Gateway to Life: The Sheep Gate

This morning we are continuing our journey through the book of Nehemiah. Two weeks ago we looked at Nehemiah Chapter 1 where we learned some great lessons on how to pray like Nehemiah.


Embracing & Extending Forgiveness

There is no easy road to forgiveness. Forgiving another takes time and work. It begins with thanksgiving that we have been forgiven and acknowledging that we have been hurt and need to forgive the offender.  

Goodness of God

Taste & See that God is Good

The word “good” is a generic term to describe what is excellent in quality, and/or worthy of approval – from good food to good person, good weather, good circumstances

Termites That Destroy

Termites can destroy a house or even a tree one little bite at a time. It may go undetected for years and yet do irreparable damage. Even if the termites are exterminated, it is always a great loss and great cost.

Worship as David Did

We are all very familiar with the Tabernacle of Moses and the spectacular Temple of Solomon but many of us may not know that King David set up a tabernacle known as the tabernacle of David. 

The Trial of the King

God has one boundless purpose that embraces all the things that He permits and ordains. Without denying free choice, we believe that God foresees the curious twisting of human will, and that He overrules all for His own purpose.

The Mission of the Church

As we enter this new year, 2021, we look forward to a great year, trusting that God will do a wonderful work in the midst of us as a people of God. It is proper that once again we refresh ourselves regarding the mission of the church, the purpose for which God has called all of us as a people of God.

The Goodness of God

WE are thankful to God that we can once again gather together as a people of God to worship him. As we reach the end of this unprecedented year, we need to continue to seek the Lord, reflect upon his person and grow in our knowledge of him.

The Power of Thankfulness

2020 has been a roller coaster year. Our world has been turned upside-down and inside out. As we move towards the Christmas season some of you might be feeling that there is nothing much to look forward to or be grateful for. As pastor it is my responsibility especially in these dark times to remind you of THE POWER OF THANKFULNESS.

A Rainbow in Every Storm

A rainbow’s ability to bring joy to just about anyone is probably why they’re painted on kids’ cheeks at parties; used to decorate birthday cakes, garden flags and bedding; mentioned in lyrics, poems and other writings. They are also the stuff of folklore across many countries and cultures.

A Friend Who Intercedes is a Friend Indeed

We are living in difficult times. What would you do if you have a friend who has been retrenched and is desperately looking for a job? And you happen to have another friend who is the boss of a company who is able to take on an employee that has your friend’s job skill?

Jesus, our Kingsman-Redeemer

This morning we’re going to look at a concept mentioned a number of times in the book of Ruth: Redemption. Our most frequent use of this term is in relationship to Jesus as our Redeemer. But what do we really understand by the term “redeem”?

Three Crosses at Calvary

On Good Friday, two thousand years ago our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. We know His story. We know He suffered torment and agony at the hands of evil men; endured the shame of being crucified naked; and died on the cross for our redemption.

Refuge Under the Wings of God

Today, the Sunday before Easter, is known as Palm Sunday because in John 12:13 we read that the people broke palm branches from the trees and lined the streets in front of Jesus Christ, welcoming Him as He made His triumphant entry into the city of Jerusalem.

Faith for the Journey

Today is the 5th day of the implementation of the Movement Control Order as our nation work through the challenges posed by COVID-19. As we go through these stormy uncharted waters, we may wonder where God is in the midst of it. The truth is that God isn’t far away, and it is in times like this that he is inviting us into a closer and deeper relationship with him. Let’s not allow social distancing to turn into spiritual distancing.

In God We Trust

I believe everywhere you go these few days, everyone of us will be confronted with dialogues and conversations about the current political tension. We have all had a challenging week with the political uncertainty that is enveloping the country. Times have been hard but in this past week, we sense that times have become even harder, in a time of the economic downturn. Uncertainties have suddenly become the order of the day, as we do not know what to expect.

A Picture Of Love

The word “Love” occurs 31 times in these 5 chapters. In the last words of Jesus, a large part of it is on love. That’s why Jesus said by this all men will know you are my disciples if you love one another. Today I want to give you the picture of love. That is the title of my message. 

Guilty as Charged

How do you react when your eyes are opened to you sin? Do you hide in fear? Do you become defensive and blame someone else? In your moments of agony over sin, you have a God who will deal with you in truth and compassion, and who offers you his perfect covering. You can come to him in repentance instead of hiding from him. You can ask him to work his glory and victory over your shame. You can ask for his covering of grace.

Achan, One Man’s Sin

No man is an island is a forgotten concept in our individualistic society. So often I hear Christians and non-Christians saying, “How I live my life and the things I do is nobody’s business but mine as long as I don’t hurt anyone else.” Nothing could be further from the truth.

Dressed For The Banquet

God invites everyone, you and me, just as we are, but God expects us to put on new clothes to enter the kingdom. It may be a “Come as you Are” party, but once we arrive, we don’t “Stay As We Are.”

A Child is Born, A Son is Given

And this Christmas, I hope you have a more meaningful Christmas because you know why that child in the manger needed to be born. For you and for me.

Put Off Slander

Slander occurs whenever someone says something untrue about someone else that results, intentionally or unintentionally, in damaging that someone else’s reputation. And when it occurs, it becomes a divisive, discouraging and confusing issue that often affects numerous people – sometimes many, many people.

The Grace of God

We are saved by the grace of God but it needs to be received and consciously accepted by you. That’s why it’s a grace from the Holy Spirit that needs to be received by faith. That grace means undeserved or unmerited favour.

The Merciful Samaritan

But when you are able to love beyond the church and family and friends and that would take divine love. This why I want to look at the merciful samaritan.

Stir Up the Gift

Rev Lawrence Seow How many of you here have been in TOP for 37 years? Wow, I see some hands. … More

It Isn’t Fair!

Rev Gideon Lee This morning I want to talk a little bit about something different.  These two passages of scriptures … More