Our Trust is in the Lord

Pastor Esther Tham shared a powerful sermon on Psalm chapter 4, written by King David during a time of distress. The passage encourages believers to trust in God’s divine intervention and seek relief from distress. Despite his turmoil with his son Absalom, David found joy and peace in God’s presence. The sermon emphasized trusting in the Lord, offering right sacrifices, and praising Him for His grace.

Glory to God in the Highest

As we celebrate Christmas, let’s reflect on the birth of Jesus and the significance of being children of God. The angelic visitation to the shepherds and other encounters with God’s glory illustrate how His glory envelops His children. This Christmas, may we find hope and peace in the glory of God.

Doing the Will of God

Rev Koay Khneg Hin27 August 2023 Busyness and conflicting demands on our time are characteristics of the time we are … More

Heart Matters

As I reflect upon the kind of church God wants Tabernacle of Praise to be, I have come to realise that the kind of church that TOP becomes is inextricably tied to the kind of people we all are as members of TOP.

Humble Yourself Before the Lord and He Will Lift You Up

What do you see when you think about the lives of people all around you? When we really take time to reflect upon this question one inescapable fact is that suffering is part and parcel of this temporal life in this world. The sermon today addresses this issue from the perspective of the apostle Peter.

Spiritual Impartation

As we go through life, we meet people confronted with different circumstances of life who will have diverse needs. God constantly empowers us to grow in having a heart for people, to show care and concern and to lend a helping hand to people in need.


This Sunday morning, I wish to look into true blessedness, that sense of shalom, the wholesomeness of being, encompassing peace and harmony.

A God of Compassion

What would be your answer if you were asked, “How are you feeling?” This is usually a question about a person’s physical health but it is equally valid for us to ask about a person’s emotional state of being.

The Peace of God

Peace is not about the absence of war, peace is more than a word, and peace is more than a feeling. It is possible to be in the calmest of situations, and yet there is no peace inside of us. In contrast, it is also possible to be in a situation of great chaos, yet we can still experience in our hearts and peace in our minds.   


The Transformative Power of Scripture

Scripture is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. Scripture has the transformative power to transform us. In the present trying times, Scripture can give us assurance and peace.


Embracing & Extending Forgiveness

There is no easy road to forgiveness. Forgiving another takes time and work. It begins with thanksgiving that we have been forgiven and acknowledging that we have been hurt and need to forgive the offender.  

Incarnation, Christmas

The Incarnation

from our sins and experiencing the peace with God, the peace of God and being at peace with men.

Divine Detours

Divine Detours

When shifts in our plans occur, we complain and grumble. But if we are living in obedience, God makes it absolutely clear that his hand is behind all the detours.

A Life of Sacrifice

We have just remembered our Lord in his death and resurrection! Such an occasion must necessarily always lead us to ponder and reflect on what it means to be a child of God and a disciple of Christ.

The Blessing of a Fu-filled Life

Have you wondered what it means when we say, “I’m blessed”? It is usually in relation to good fortune, a desired outcome, positive circumstances, comfort, and the absence of problems. The common understanding of what it means to be blessed by God is that He gives us good things.

Seeking Jesus

When Jesus was born 2000 years ago, God wanted people to find Him! In Luke chapter 2, the Bible tells us the story about some shepherds… they were watching their sheep at night, and God sent an angel to tell them that Jesus has been born… and they would find Him wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.

The Peace of Christ

This past week has been a difficult week for many of us because of the strain and stress of this ongoing pandemic. Day after day, we hear news of rising numbers of cases, of reminders to stay home and stay safe, of the tightening of restrictions and so on and so forth.

How To Live Anxiety-Free

We live in an age of anxiety. Anxieties are normal in a fallen world. How many of us can honestly say we live care-free lives? Some of us have more or greater anxieties than others, but we all have them and more than ever before.

Depend On God

As we gather together to worship God, we all know that the health crisis that we are facing is still unresolved. This past week has seen a greater spread of the sickness caused by Covid-19 and there is a sense of uncertainty concerning what lies ahead for all of us.

A Rainbow in Every Storm

A rainbow’s ability to bring joy to just about anyone is probably why they’re painted on kids’ cheeks at parties; used to decorate birthday cakes, garden flags and bedding; mentioned in lyrics, poems and other writings. They are also the stuff of folklore across many countries and cultures.

The Strengthening Grace of God

Today the title of this sermon is ‘The Strengthening Grace of God’ and I would like to draw this insight of the strengthening grace of God from the epistle to the Corinthians, the second epistle to the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians 12: 9, 10. 

Refuge Under the Wings of God

Today, the Sunday before Easter, is known as Palm Sunday because in John 12:13 we read that the people broke palm branches from the trees and lined the streets in front of Jesus Christ, welcoming Him as He made His triumphant entry into the city of Jerusalem.

The Peace of Christ

We are indeed going through difficult and uncertain times. Unprecedented times. And a lot of us may be wondering what the future holds. What the future few weeks will be like. What will happen and actually what will be the settlement for this virus crisis and the economic crisis that is coming on. 

Beauty For Ashes

The Truth that shines through every bit of our grief, and pain, and sin, is this, Christ came to save us and set us free. Christ came to redeem. Christ came to bring hope. Christ came to bring beauty from ashes.

Mary said, “YES!”

Mary was truly an amazing woman. She wasn’t perfect but she stepped out in faith to God’s call and she was obedient to His will for her life.  Mary is a woman who we would all do well to emulate.

A Spiritual Holiness

We are not perfect including me. We will have that tinge of religious holiness but we need to grow to spiritual holiness that makes people comfortable. How do you know, you ask me. He is a man without sin yet tax collectors feels comfortable with him, wayward women too and he’s even been called friends of sinners.

The Preciousness of Faith

So today, think on what is precious to you. Money, looks, health, or relationships? What is precious to you?

The Blessing of Judah

We may not be able to control our physical environment but God has provided a means for us to change our spiritual atmosphere and that means is PRAISE.

Spirituality in Christ

What makes a spiritually mature Christian? Someone who is strong in his faith and faithful to his calling. Like how Paul is called more than a conqueror in the battles of life. 

Giving to God

I want all of you to remember these three ‘R’s – the Recipient for our giving is God, our Reason is because we love God and the third is that you will Reap a harvest in God’s love and provision.

Another In The Fire

God doesn’t promise that there won’t be floods or fires. But He does promise that the overwhelming floods of your struggle will not wash you away. They will threaten to drown you, but they will not wash you away.

A Child is Born, A Son is Given

And this Christmas, I hope you have a more meaningful Christmas because you know why that child in the manger needed to be born. For you and for me.

What’s In A Name?

How can we tell the whole world we are Christian and that they need Jesus, when we are not able to first tell the ones we love the most.

Called to Unity

The Holy Spirit has bonded all believers together, making us one in the family of God. As the Spirit of the Lord works in our lives we begin to bear the fruit of the Spirit which is love, joy, PEACE. 

Be A Peacemaker

Rev Gideon Lee This morning, God laid this on my heart. To be a peacemaker. What does that mean? Does … More

The Christmas Story

The position for a breakthrough is to be humble before God. To be completely transparent before him. Amen? This morning I … More

Jesus is in the boat

Rev Gideon Lee Mark 4:35 – 5:15 Jesus Calms the Storm 4:35-41pp – Mt 8:18, 23-27; Lk 8:22-25 35 That … More

Storms of Life

Rev Gideon Lee Mark 6:45-52 Jesus Walks on the Sea 45 Immediately He made His disciples get into the boat … More

The Peace of God

Rev Gideon Lee Saturday Night Service at TOP We are so glad that you can join us at our ceramah … More