A Life Well Lived

In the last service of January, Pastor Melinda focused on Psalm 90, emphasizing the contrast between the eternal God and transient man, and the brokenness of the world due to sin. The psalm also highlights the mercy of God and the blessing of a relationship with Him. Moses’ prayer for God to change the times of their lives is transformed into a promise through Jesus.

Glory to God in the Highest

As we celebrate Christmas, let’s reflect on the birth of Jesus and the significance of being children of God. The angelic visitation to the shepherds and other encounters with God’s glory illustrate how His glory envelops His children. This Christmas, may we find hope and peace in the glory of God.

Exalting Jesus

Christmas is just two days away. The Christmas season is a good time for reflection, an opportunity to ask questions to ascertain the direction in which we should be heading in life.

Cause and Effect

We are fearfully and wonderfully made by God and blessed beyond description. God has brought us from darkness into the marvellous light. Remember when we are sick, God healed us. When we are in need, God provides for us. Remember when we fall into temptation, God delivers us.

The Resurrection

Today marks arguably the most important day in the Christian calendar. It is the day we all come together to commemorate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the day he was raised from the dead.

Forsaken For Our Sake

Resurrection Sunday has always generated much excitement and rightly so, but it should not be at the expense of Good Friday. Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday come as a package deal. Without Good Friday there would be no Resurrection Sunday. Without Resurrection Sunday, there would be nothing good about Good Friday and the horrific death of Jesus would be a senseless atrocity.  

Spiritual Impartation

As we go through life, we meet people confronted with different circumstances of life who will have diverse needs. God constantly empowers us to grow in having a heart for people, to show care and concern and to lend a helping hand to people in need.

A God of Compassion

What would be your answer if you were asked, “How are you feeling?” This is usually a question about a person’s physical health but it is equally valid for us to ask about a person’s emotional state of being.

Forgiven Forgivers

One pastor once said that you could give the secret of a good marriage in just one word. The word is forgive. Forgiveness is the key ingredient not only in marriage but in any relationship involving people. You need to learn forgiveness. You need to grant it, and you need to receive it.

A God-Given Duty

Pastoe Koay Kheng Hin20 November 2022 We presently live in a world of materialism and consumerism in which we often … More

Desiring Loving Holiness

When we are exhorted to grow in holiness, often there is a sense that we think holiness is unnatural and beyond us. The reason for this is that we often misunderstand what holiness means and we often do not desire holiness to the same extent that we desire love because of such a misconception.

Get Rewarded

Pastor Melinda Song10 & 11 September 2022 We are at the tenth and final gate that completes our tour of the … More

A Life of Obedience

This Sunday morning even as we have partaken of the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of him it is timely that we bring into focus the following question, “What is the one thing that God desires of us, with which God will be well pleased?

Are You Ready?

To watch is “to have the alertness of a guard at night.” A night watchman must stay awake and be hyper-vigilant. That is the type of watching Jesus spoke about because Jesus compares his coming with the coming of a thief in the night. 

A Pure Heart

Then shall we see God! What does it actually mean? In this present world, it will refer to our subjective experience of the presence of God in our lives. 

Throw Out the Trash

My friend, every genuine child of God wants to get up out of the dirt. That is the reason we are given a desire to grow in grace and in the knowledge of Him — that we may get up out of the mire of life. We have been set free to “fight the good fight” (2 Tim 4:7) and to “run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Heb 12:1).

Resurrection Sunday

Christ is Risen!

Today is Easter Sunday, a special day of the year because this is the day Christians commemorate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.


Let’s Go Fishing!

On our trip around the ancient walls of Jerusalem, we visited the Sheep Gate which symbolises the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ. He fulfils the 4 elements that make up a functional Sheep as the gate, the High Priest, the temple and the sacrifice. 

Good Friday

Like Sheep Gone Astray

On this Good Friday I would like us to look at a familiar passage from First Peter that sums up in two short verses both the horror and the wonder of Christ’s Passion.

Palm Sunday

Jesus’ Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem

More than two thousand years ago, God’s redemptive plan changed the world. The power of sin and death was broken through the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Death was defeated. Today is Palm Sunday. Jesus entered Jerusalem triumphantly on the first Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday is the last Sunday of Lent, and it also marked the beginning of the Holy Week. 

Gateway to Life: The Sheep Gate

This morning we are continuing our journey through the book of Nehemiah. Two weeks ago we looked at Nehemiah Chapter 1 where we learned some great lessons on how to pray like Nehemiah.


Embracing & Extending Forgiveness

There is no easy road to forgiveness. Forgiving another takes time and work. It begins with thanksgiving that we have been forgiven and acknowledging that we have been hurt and need to forgive the offender.  

Goodness of God

Taste & See that God is Good

The word “good” is a generic term to describe what is excellent in quality, and/or worthy of approval – from good food to good person, good weather, good circumstances

Incarnation, Christmas

The Incarnation

from our sins and experiencing the peace with God, the peace of God and being at peace with men.

Living in the In-Between

which means “visit” or “coming.” Christmas is coming and there is a sense of anticipation and expectancy.

Faith, Hope and Love

Faith, Hope and Love

n this special day, it is appropriate that we turn our eyes towards our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As we look back to our past 43 years and thank God for his goodness and faithfulness, at the same time we are called to look forward to the future. 

Faithful Till the End

aid to Cain, where sin is crouching outside your door, ready to devour you. For others, it’s a loved one whose health is deteriorating and there’s nothing you can do. For still others, it’s a family situation that seems to be getting worse instead of better. 

The Church: A Spiritual House

the mission of the church as expressed in Exaltation, Edification, and Evangelism, and appreciating the full significance of the church being a spiritual house, believers leading spiritual lives, offering spiritual sacrifices, and enjoying spiritual blessings, the first step to take in maintaining and growing in such spiritual fervor and enthusiasm is the act of CONSECRATION.

Free to Serve

We love our freedom. The desire to be free is one of the strongest desires in human nature. From Abraham Lincoln to Nelson Mandela, some have sought for freedom and some have fought hard for it. Others have made long speeches about freedom and sung inspiring songs about it. 

Worship as David Did

We are all very familiar with the Tabernacle of Moses and the spectacular Temple of Solomon but many of us may not know that King David set up a tabernacle known as the tabernacle of David. 

Reaching One, Reaching Many

If this is a movie we find two main actors – Peter and the lame man – with John, the supporting actor. The scene set before us is the gate of the temple called the Beautiful Gate. The director is the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Enters Jerusalem

Today is Palm Sunday on the Christian calendar, the day we commemorate the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. It begins the events leading up to the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The Trial of the King

God has one boundless purpose that embraces all the things that He permits and ordains. Without denying free choice, we believe that God foresees the curious twisting of human will, and that He overrules all for His own purpose.

The Blessing of a Fu-filled Life

Have you wondered what it means when we say, “I’m blessed”? It is usually in relation to good fortune, a desired outcome, positive circumstances, comfort, and the absence of problems. The common understanding of what it means to be blessed by God is that He gives us good things.

Chinese or Christian?

Have you ever been asked: Now that you are a Christian do you celebrate CNY? Being a Christian doesn’t mean I cease to be a Chinese..

Jesus – The Greatest Gift of God

As we celebrate Christmas in the midst of a pandemic, there is much to thank God for. Whether you are a Christian or not, you will probably view Christmas and understand it as a season of giving. Christmas is largely seen as a season of gifts, of the giving and receiving of gifts.

The Goodness of God

WE are thankful to God that we can once again gather together as a people of God to worship him. As we reach the end of this unprecedented year, we need to continue to seek the Lord, reflect upon his person and grow in our knowledge of him.

One With Us

This is the time of the year when we celebrate the birth of our Saviour in Bethlehem. If someone were to ask you to tell them the Christmas Story where would you start?

A Rainbow in Every Storm

A rainbow’s ability to bring joy to just about anyone is probably why they’re painted on kids’ cheeks at parties; used to decorate birthday cakes, garden flags and bedding; mentioned in lyrics, poems and other writings. They are also the stuff of folklore across many countries and cultures.

A Friend Who Intercedes is a Friend Indeed

We are living in difficult times. What would you do if you have a friend who has been retrenched and is desperately looking for a job? And you happen to have another friend who is the boss of a company who is able to take on an employee that has your friend’s job skill?

Am I Really Jesus’s Friend?

And much as it is a blessing to have close and good friends the best friendship we can nurture is with God. That is why songs such “What A Friend We Have In Jesus” and “I Am A Friend of God” are so effective in bringing us comfort in our time of need and lifting up our spirits when we need a boost in confidence.

Jesus, our Kingsman-Redeemer

This morning we’re going to look at a concept mentioned a number of times in the book of Ruth: Redemption. Our most frequent use of this term is in relationship to Jesus as our Redeemer. But what do we really understand by the term “redeem”?

The Holy Communion

Today marks nearly two and a half months since the MCO, and in this two and a half months much has happened and moving on, next week we will be entering into the month of June and in the first Sunday of the month of June, we will indeed be administering the Holy Communion online, for the first time in the history of Tabernacle of Praise.

Day 2: Where is God?

Governments have had to grapple with health and economic crisis. Medical front-liners have been pushed to their limits trying to cope and businesses have come to a near standstill. People are dying.

Three Crosses at Calvary

On Good Friday, two thousand years ago our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. We know His story. We know He suffered torment and agony at the hands of evil men; endured the shame of being crucified naked; and died on the cross for our redemption.

God of the Ordinary

Ruth is a story for those who in the midst of tragedy, loss, pain or disappointment may doubt whether God is in control, whether God is good, and whether faithfulness to do what is right is worth it in hard times.

More than Just a List of Names

Matthew’s first sentence makes a bold statement of Jesus identity: “Jesus Christ the son of David, the son of Abraham” but few authors would start their book with a long list of hard-to-pronounce names. So why would a book as vital as the New Testament begin with something as “dull” as a genealogy?

Cannot Be Shaken

Mountains make men marvel at the majesty of God’s creation. They awaken in man the instinct for heaven. He knows when he looks at the mountains that he was made for a high and lofty purpose.

A Tale of Two Mountains

TOP, we are people of Mt Zion and I’m calling on TOP to change our way of thinking about what is happening when we gather corporately to sing and pray and speak God’s Word. In fact, the celebration of the New Covenant resembles the revelry of a national holiday. 

Our Living Hope

Today’s sermon seeks to answer this question. Where can we draw strength when we meet the trials of life?

You Knew?

A recent study In Christianity Today reports that nearly half of all self-professed Christian millennials believe it’s wrong to share their faith with close friends and family members of different beliefs.

Glory of The Cross

In eternity, God planned for the Son of God to step into history to provide the ultimate sacrifice—the sinless Son of God would suffer sin’s penalty of death, be raised from the dead, thus providing a way of salvation.

Another In The Fire

God doesn’t promise that there won’t be floods or fires. But He does promise that the overwhelming floods of your struggle will not wash you away. They will threaten to drown you, but they will not wash you away.

Come Together in Prayer

God encourages his people to pray to him. The Bible is filled with the prayers of ordinary men and womenwho intentionally conveyed their messages to God through messages of petition, words of praise and adoration; expressions of joy and wonder; confessions of doubt, fear, and anxiety; and statements of hope.

What Do You See When You Look At The Cross?

Jesus stayed on the cross, held there by love. Love for us. Enduring the shame and agony, he accomplished that which we so desperately needed. Forgiveness and cleansing, salvation and an eternal dwelling place.

A Child is Born, A Son is Given

And this Christmas, I hope you have a more meaningful Christmas because you know why that child in the manger needed to be born. For you and for me.

The Grace of God

We are saved by the grace of God but it needs to be received and consciously accepted by you. That’s why it’s a grace from the Holy Spirit that needs to be received by faith. That grace means undeserved or unmerited favour.

Who Is Jesus?

When we call Jesus Lord, we don’t choose what we want to obey. He is Lord. Someone put it very well. When you ask who is Jesus, is he Lord and God and step over and call him my lord and God. If you call him our Savior we have to call him Lord.

Who Killed Jesus

Good Friday Healing & Miracle Rally Rev Allan Chan And why it matters that we know? Introduction John 18:1-8 (NIV)Jesus … More

Is Jesus God?

  Kenny Song at Harvest Revival Centre Today is Palm Sunday and at our church this morning, the preacher spoke … More

Waiting for Christmas

Rev Gideon Lee Luke 2:22-38 Jesus Presented in the Temple 22 When the time came for the purification rites required … More

The Rich Young Ruler

Rev John Kirby God is doing something wonderful across this nation. God is stirring you in your heart to do … More

Resurrection Sunday

Rev Gideon Lee Matthew 28:1-15 He Is Risen 1 Now after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week … More

Learning from a Pharisee

Kenny Song All of us are familiar with the Pharisees during Jesus’ ministry. Jesus had very little good things to … More

The Passover

Bro Koay Kheng Hin Pastor was telling me to preach something about Chinese New Year and I think it is … More

God has you covered

Rev Gideon Lee We want to pray for all those that are taking their SPM. I believe all our young … More