A Tested Faith

As we go through the challenges of life, will we, as children of God, be able to persevere in faith, hope, and love?

Light in the Darkness

Today we shall be using this passage as a launching pad to look into the metaphor of light and darkness in the Bible.

Blessed are the Meek

Rev Koay Kheng Hin17 September 2023 As we all reflect on the past week, some of us may have encountered … More

Doing the Will of God

Rev Koay Khneg Hin27 August 2023 Busyness and conflicting demands on our time are characteristics of the time we are … More

Run To Win

Turn our focus to God, God is with us, and we should stand firm. Run as the winner runs. We do not do it on our own strength but the Lord’s. It is not how we start matters; it is how we finish. The finish line of the race is Christlikeness.

Increase Your Capacity

It is likely that God wants to stretch your faith today. It begins with you putting your 5 loaves and 2 fish into the hands of the Lord and trusting Him to come through for you.

There’s A Miracle Within Your Problem

Today I’d like you to consider what word or picture comes to mind when we hear the word “problem.” We tend to have negative connotations when it comes to problems. We don’t look forward to nor welcome problems. But how about the word “miracle”?

God’s Way is the Best Way

The step of repentance. By taking a closer look at Jonah, let us start trusting God in His final decisions and really trusting Him with our concerns. We want to fully be submitted to His plan and His way. May our zeal can be reignited, and the standard of Christ can once again burn brightly in our lives

Live By Faith

The sermon today looks into the primary reason behind the fluctuations in our life in regard to our confidence, assurance and attitudes.

There Must Be More Than This

Revival is a hot topic in Christian circles these days. The latest revival to hit the news is the Asbury Revival which began spontaneously on February 8, 2023, at Asbury University’s regularly scheduled chapel service. It led to a multi-week gathering that drew visitors from all over the US and even the world until the university officially ended on-campus services on February 23 at the National Collegiate Day of Prayer broadcast hosted by the university.

I Have Kept the Faith

In today’s sermon, I wish to lead us to reflect upon eternity and its relation to our present life.

Finding Purpose through God’s Word

To hold on to the basic teachings about Jesus, God’s Word is the greatest truth that builds up our lives. With this, we need to be rooted in God’s Word. Finding purpose through the Word of God.

Completely Satisfied

Getting what we want, when we want, is a part of our daily life. For example, if we don’t like a TV show, we just change the channel. Same, when we don’t like the song we are listening to, we hit the button and change the song.

The Foundation of the Word of God

This Sunday morning, as we reflect a bit more deeply into life, we may be able to perceive that beyond all the myriad choices in life and the many decisions that we make daily, all these choices and decisions can fall neatly into two paths.

Through the Valley Dark and Deep

If you are going through a dark, scary valley today, remember that you are not alone. Rest in the promise of our Good Shepherd who will guide us through and around those dangerous spots in the valley so that we make it out safely on the other side. He will carry you when you are too weak to walk, and restore your soul when you are too tired to move forward.


Providential Prayer

This intrinsic connection between righteousness and prayer is based on the holiness of God, that the presence and power of God are manifest in holiness. 

Image of God

The Image of God

However, as much as we have the hope of eternal glory, all of us, both young and old, are presently living out our earthly lives that come with their struggles and burdens as well as their blessings and joy.

Victory in Christ

There is the perspective of us being a people of God, a family of God and a spiritual army of God. Today I would like to look into the perspective of the church as the spiritual army of God.


Be Faithful

I believe that it is appropriate that we look back at the year that is coming to an end and remember God in his faithfulness and make a personal choice to always remain faithful to God and to grow in this virtue of faithfulness.

Divine Detours

Divine Detours

When shifts in our plans occur, we complain and grumble. But if we are living in obedience, God makes it absolutely clear that his hand is behind all the detours.

Can These Bones Live?

nviting you and me, his church to RISE as a mighty army to proclaim His resurrecting word and the life-giving breath over the dead bones! 

What’s in Your Hand?

nd so he asks: “What if they don’t believe me?” (4:1). God then replies with a question: “What is that in your hand?”

In this short little exchange between God and Moses, we will find some principles on how God can turn the ordinary things and ordinary people into the extraordinary.

Faithful Till the End

aid to Cain, where sin is crouching outside your door, ready to devour you. For others, it’s a loved one whose health is deteriorating and there’s nothing you can do. For still others, it’s a family situation that seems to be getting worse instead of better. 

Winners Don’t Quit

If you are going to be what God wants you to be in your personal, spiritual walk with Him, it is going to take that quality of perseverance. To persevere means “to persist in any purpose or endeavour; to continue striving for one’s goals, despite difficulties. To stay on course.”

A Christ-Centred Life

As a believer in Jesus Christ, how are we to respond to the present happenings and adverse circumstances of life? What is the answer to the problems that we are facing? How do we find assurance in the midst of such uncertain times?  

The Battle is the Lord’s 

Giants are not something that we dream up. The giant that we may face today may be Covid-19 pandemic impacts in our life, it may be unemployment, careers, finances, health problems, depression, pressures, pains, relationship issues, family problems, struggles, fears, and sins. Any issues right now in our life. It is our giant.  

Hearing and Doing the Will of God

It is my intention today to draw you back to the primary essence of the Christian faith as it is to be lived out in this world. This primary essence is based on the fundamental attribute of God, that God is holy and we as a people of God, whether individually or as a church, must necessarily reflect the pure moral character of God in ethical conduct and behavior.

Humility and Contentment

As we look to God this Sunday morning I believe that many of you are seeking to find a certain sense of direction personally for this year 2021. Time has passed pretty fast and it seemed not long ago that we were living in the year 2020.

Finishing Well

What is your goal in life? The goal is very important because the phrase “finishing well” means different things to different people.

Unity in Diversity

Pastor Koay Kheng Hin18 October 2020 The worship service today is a very special one because as a church we … More

Beauty For Ashes

The Truth that shines through every bit of our grief, and pain, and sin, is this, Christ came to save us and set us free. Christ came to redeem. Christ came to bring hope. Christ came to bring beauty from ashes.

Charity Begins at Home

Chinese New Year is that time of the year when we see some of our family members like cousins for the only time of the year. Family ties are important. We choose our friends, but family is given to us by God. It is not by choice. And New Year is a time not just to give and get Ang Pows but a time to catch up, talk, play and eat together.

Soaring like an Eagle

There are so much work to do and I told God I cannot be more disabled. My legs getting worst and I was thinking how God can get more Christians to go in. What are we doing for this community?

Greatness Through God’s Eyes

Everyone aspires to greatness. All of us want to have purpose and significance in this life. We want to be respected, and we want to leave a legacy. No one aspires to mediocrity.

Living in Two Worlds

I want to stress that while we are living in two worlds, there is only one destination. Like Joseph, let us not murmur and complain each time we feel life has not been fair towards us, but realise that WHATEVER circumstances we are in, we can glorify him with our decisions and actions. We can make a difference.

Parable of the Talents

Have you maximised the use of the resources that God by his grace has entrusted to you as a good steward? Not on what you lack but on what you already have.

Search for Meaning

Okay today, I am going to work on this message entitled ‘Search for Meaning’, and this is one where you have to think and reflect a little bit on what I am saying. It is a message that will take some time to sink in, what I am working on today is a sermon that is in my heart.

Giving to God

I want all of you to remember these three ‘R’s – the Recipient for our giving is God, our Reason is because we love God and the third is that you will Reap a harvest in God’s love and provision.

Was Jesus a Great Leader?

But this morning I want us to look at what kind of a leader Jesus was. Everywhere he went, people followed after him. Why? Yes, he performed many miracles, he was there for the needy, he told stories and he spoke with authority, yet he came as a humble servant.

Press On

As we end 2018 and enter 2019, let us remember we are God’s work in progress, not perfect but working towards being more like Jesus. To lay hold of God’s high calling in our lives.

Trusting In A God Who Guides

Life is full of decisions and we all want and need guidance. In fact, God’s guidance is especially important to us since we live in a fallen world so the fact that God LEADS and GUIDES His people is good news for us.

Our Joshua Generation

This morning, I want to talk about something that is close to my heart. Young people. We often hear that they are the next generation of the church. But I believe they are the Now Generation!

Career Choices

Kenny at Youth Impact How many of you already know what career path you want to take? Should you do … More

He Leads the Way

How is God calling you to get your feet wet? Are you being faced with an obstacle, a challenge that seems like impossibility? Will you take the first step of faith?

We need to remember that faith honours God and God honours faith! God delights in favoring people who will get their feet wet.

What Type of Soil are You?

Every where we look we find people who have been exposed to the Bible and its teachings, but their lives have not been changed by it. Many have begun well in the Christian life but for one reason or another they have failed to mature in the faith as their growth was stunted.

Because Christ Won…We Win!

The most common symbol of Christianity is the cross but a better symbol of Christianity is an empty tomb, because the Bible’s glorious message is that Jesus is alive today, having triumphed gloriously over sin and death.

Success for 2018

When we think God’s thoughts we think the most powerful thoughts.

Lifting the Lid

Rev Ronald Ooi I had a wonderful meeting over breakfast with the ministry leaders this morning. We are closing the … More

Courage to Move Forward

Sis Melinda Song Joshua 1:1-9, NIV 1 After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ … More

Destined for Greatness

Rev Jasmine I’m going to get my PhD soon. Penang Hokkien Dialect. Here are the photos of my family. Here … More

Unfading Glory

Bro Koay Kheng Hin These two words, glory and unfading captures a certain essence of what our Christian faith is … More

Psalms 23

Rev Jameson Yeoh It’s good to be back in Penang. Thank God for the opportunity to share the word here. … More

Godly Purpose

Rev Gideon Lee Bro Steve with YWAM sharing about GoFest 2015 conference. Ecclesiastes 1:1-9 Everything Is Meaningless ​1 The words of the … More

The Barnabas Effect

Sis Melinda Song I love stories so let me begin by telling you a story that I heard many, many … More

The Lure Of The Easy Way

Rev Gideon Lee Matthew 16:21-28 (NIV) Jesus Predicts His Death 21 From that time on Jesus began to explain to … More