Cause and Effect

We are fearfully and wonderfully made by God and blessed beyond description. God has brought us from darkness into the marvellous light. Remember when we are sick, God healed us. When we are in need, God provides for us. Remember when we fall into temptation, God delivers us.

There’s A Miracle Within Your Problem

Today I’d like you to consider what word or picture comes to mind when we hear the word “problem.” We tend to have negative connotations when it comes to problems. We don’t look forward to nor welcome problems. But how about the word “miracle”?

Our Hope in the Lord is Not in Vain

I do not know what you are going through, but God sees what you are going through and He is with you in that situation, in that conflict, in that pain and in that trouble. He has the power to change our situation.


This Sunday morning, I wish to look into true blessedness, that sense of shalom, the wholesomeness of being, encompassing peace and harmony.

Give Us This Day

One good thing that came out of the uncertain season was that it drove the church onto its needs. We came to the highest authority to plead the case for the salvation of our nation. It is easy to pay lip service with platitudes like “we have to trust God” but it is in prayer that we show our true dependence on God.

A God-Given Duty

Pastoe Koay Kheng Hin20 November 2022 We presently live in a world of materialism and consumerism in which we often … More

The Peace of God

Peace is not about the absence of war, peace is more than a word, and peace is more than a feeling. It is possible to be in the calmest of situations, and yet there is no peace inside of us. In contrast, it is also possible to be in a situation of great chaos, yet we can still experience in our hearts and peace in our minds.   

Through the Valley Dark and Deep

If you are going through a dark, scary valley today, remember that you are not alone. Rest in the promise of our Good Shepherd who will guide us through and around those dangerous spots in the valley so that we make it out safely on the other side. He will carry you when you are too weak to walk, and restore your soul when you are too tired to move forward.

Image of God

The Image of God

However, as much as we have the hope of eternal glory, all of us, both young and old, are presently living out our earthly lives that come with their struggles and burdens as well as their blessings and joy.


The Transformative Power of Scripture

Scripture is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. Scripture has the transformative power to transform us. In the present trying times, Scripture can give us assurance and peace.

Victory in Christ

There is the perspective of us being a people of God, a family of God and a spiritual army of God. Today I would like to look into the perspective of the church as the spiritual army of God.

Faith Tested

A Tested Deep-Rooted Faith

faith, from one level of faith to another level of faith. The life of the apostle Peter gives us a glimpse in regard to this growth in faith.

Trusting God

Trust – The Glue of Life

We make our decision whether to trust or not to trust someone based on 4 components – their character, competence, care, and credibility.

Winners Don’t Quit

If you are going to be what God wants you to be in your personal, spiritual walk with Him, it is going to take that quality of perseverance. To persevere means “to persist in any purpose or endeavour; to continue striving for one’s goals, despite difficulties. To stay on course.”

A Christ-Centred Life

As a believer in Jesus Christ, how are we to respond to the present happenings and adverse circumstances of life? What is the answer to the problems that we are facing? How do we find assurance in the midst of such uncertain times?  

Humility and Contentment

As we look to God this Sunday morning I believe that many of you are seeking to find a certain sense of direction personally for this year 2021. Time has passed pretty fast and it seemed not long ago that we were living in the year 2020.

The Peace of Christ

This past week has been a difficult week for many of us because of the strain and stress of this ongoing pandemic. Day after day, we hear news of rising numbers of cases, of reminders to stay home and stay safe, of the tightening of restrictions and so on and so forth.

Finding Strength in God

Some people believe that human beings should never question the ways of God. They may even feel that it borders on sin to ask God, “Why?”

How To Live Anxiety-Free

We live in an age of anxiety. Anxieties are normal in a fallen world. How many of us can honestly say we live care-free lives? Some of us have more or greater anxieties than others, but we all have them and more than ever before.

Depend On God

As we gather together to worship God, we all know that the health crisis that we are facing is still unresolved. This past week has seen a greater spread of the sickness caused by Covid-19 and there is a sense of uncertainty concerning what lies ahead for all of us.

Keep On Digging!

Do you know what was remarkable about his story in the Bible? Well, he dug wells, he opened wells that had been sealed by the Philistines, and he dug wells and gave names to the wells. He seems obsessed with wells and kept on digging! And so the title of my message today is: “Keep On Digging!”

Footprints in the Sand

The sermon today has come about after much reflection pertaining to life. In my last sermon I touched on the fact that difficulties in life per se may not be the true cause of suffering, rather it is when you go through difficulties all by yourself, alone, that enhances and magnifies the suffering.

A Community of Faith

As we look into the Apostle Paul using the metaphor of the body of Christ, us being dependent on one another and each of us doing our part, to grow the body unto the head our Lord and our Saviour Jesus Christ.

A Faith of Devotion

This health crisis is evolving into a crisis of finances. For employers, it is a time when their struggle and their challenge is whether they can still keep their businesses afloat. For employees, it is a time of uncertainty. And a time when they wonder, whether they can still hold their jobs.

Day 2: Where is God?

Governments have had to grapple with health and economic crisis. Medical front-liners have been pushed to their limits trying to cope and businesses have come to a near standstill. People are dying.

The Strengthening Grace of God

Today the title of this sermon is ‘The Strengthening Grace of God’ and I would like to draw this insight of the strengthening grace of God from the epistle to the Corinthians, the second epistle to the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians 12: 9, 10. 

Refuge Under the Wings of God

Today, the Sunday before Easter, is known as Palm Sunday because in John 12:13 we read that the people broke palm branches from the trees and lined the streets in front of Jesus Christ, welcoming Him as He made His triumphant entry into the city of Jerusalem.

The Peace of Christ

We are indeed going through difficult and uncertain times. Unprecedented times. And a lot of us may be wondering what the future holds. What the future few weeks will be like. What will happen and actually what will be the settlement for this virus crisis and the economic crisis that is coming on. 

Faith for the Journey

Today is the 5th day of the implementation of the Movement Control Order as our nation work through the challenges posed by COVID-19. As we go through these stormy uncharted waters, we may wonder where God is in the midst of it. The truth is that God isn’t far away, and it is in times like this that he is inviting us into a closer and deeper relationship with him. Let’s not allow social distancing to turn into spiritual distancing.

Faith in Christ

The sermon today will address the issues of faith and fear. As the country goes through a health crisis in the form of Covid-19, and the beginning of an economic crisis, we need to ask ourselves how we are to address the situation we are in. 

God of the Ordinary

Ruth is a story for those who in the midst of tragedy, loss, pain or disappointment may doubt whether God is in control, whether God is good, and whether faithfulness to do what is right is worth it in hard times.

In God We Trust

I believe everywhere you go these few days, everyone of us will be confronted with dialogues and conversations about the current political tension. We have all had a challenging week with the political uncertainty that is enveloping the country. Times have been hard but in this past week, we sense that times have become even harder, in a time of the economic downturn. Uncertainties have suddenly become the order of the day, as we do not know what to expect.

Beauty For Ashes

The Truth that shines through every bit of our grief, and pain, and sin, is this, Christ came to save us and set us free. Christ came to redeem. Christ came to bring hope. Christ came to bring beauty from ashes.

Cannot Be Shaken

Mountains make men marvel at the majesty of God’s creation. They awaken in man the instinct for heaven. He knows when he looks at the mountains that he was made for a high and lofty purpose.

The Preciousness of Faith

So today, think on what is precious to you. Money, looks, health, or relationships? What is precious to you?

Search for Meaning

Okay today, I am going to work on this message entitled ‘Search for Meaning’, and this is one where you have to think and reflect a little bit on what I am saying. It is a message that will take some time to sink in, what I am working on today is a sermon that is in my heart.

The Word of God and the Mind of Men

The primary purpose of the Counselling Ministry is that we want to help people draw closer to God. It is on dwelling on the promises of God, with prayer and worship; we see that indeed the Word of God does not return to him void, it accomplishes all that it was purposed to do. Indeed, we have seen in the past how God works and has experienced His goodness. We want to help others to experience God as well.

Spiritual Renewal

I want to encourage us that spiritual renewal will come when we desire holiness. Love of Christ is the driving force for holiness. 

Coping with Change

We live in a world where change is accelerated and we think if we don’t adapt or catch up, we are left behind. The pressure change brings to our life is real, and often coping is the only thing we can do.

Press On

As we end 2018 and enter 2019, let us remember we are God’s work in progress, not perfect but working towards being more like Jesus. To lay hold of God’s high calling in our lives.

Trusting In A God Who Guides

Life is full of decisions and we all want and need guidance. In fact, God’s guidance is especially important to us since we live in a fallen world so the fact that God LEADS and GUIDES His people is good news for us.

Confidence in Providence

Everything good is found in God. We are privileged people and there is that certainty that our outcome will always be good, pleasing and perfect.

Walk with Faith

Pastor Peter Soratana In Psalms 119:105, your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light on my path. … More

It’s Okay to Cry

Rev Gideon Lee Sometimes we can come to a place where we must be dignified because men don’t cry. Psalms … More

A Time for Everything

Rev Gideon Lee This morning I want to preach from the he book of Ecclesiastes. Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 A Time for … More

Harvest Missions Sunday

Bro Terence Ooi and Deborah Chan It’s been two years since we last came. We are in a transition and … More

Jesus is in the boat

Rev Gideon Lee Mark 4:35 – 5:15 Jesus Calms the Storm 4:35-41pp – Mt 8:18, 23-27; Lk 8:22-25 35 That … More